Sunday, April 6, 2014

U: Masset - English


- (v) smoke and store in oil (seal meat, whale blubber, deer meat, not seal blubber)
’Wii ’la tl’u.ugaang. He is smoking strips of blubber and storing it in oil.

’uh ha-a-a
What a thing to do!

- all night
’Laa ga taa’uhlagan. He ate in the morning.

- (v) close (on someone/something)
- be livid with anger at someone; be very angry at someone
- beckon to someone
- get tired of operating and stop
  • wahlda
  • wala
Gudluu t’aagaay gam’uhldagan. The chitons curled up at the same time.
’Laangaa tl’u.uhldaang. His eyes are closed in death now. ’la ki sk’al’uldanggan. He was very angry at me.
’ Hl sk’alwahldagan. I got very angry at him.
T’aahl ’la k’u gamwalaang. He is keeping it a secret.
Dii xang.aa ’la xa’uldaanggan. He beckoned to me.
’Laa ’la tlu.uhldagan. She beckoned to him.
’La k’u.uhldagan. She got tired of eating and stopped.

have a short temper

have closed (on someone/something)
  • wahldiyaa
’Laat’aahl ’la sk’awahldiyaagang. He has closed his arms on her (ie is hugging her).
’Laat’aahl ’la hlgamwahldiyaagang. He has closed his hand on it.

have been keeping part closed on
  • walayaa

- top; surface
- human or animal back
- height of land; interior (of a land mass)
  • ’uun
Stlaay ’un. Back of hand.
Skal ’un. Top surface of shoulder
Gaayaaw ’un. Surface of waves
Na ’un. House’s roof
Xang ’un. Eyelid.
’Uunang ’la ’un st’igaalaan. He hurt his back by the way he was lying.
’Inggu ’la ’undahldagan. He lay on his back on it.

on something, on top of something, on something’s back
  • ’inggu
Kiidee ’inggu ’iijang. It is up in the tree.

from the top of something; from on something
  • ’inggusda

around on something; around on the top of something
  • ’ingguud

onto something; onto the top; around on something
  • ’inggwii
Nee ’inggwii ’la kaa.unggang. He is walking around on the house.

- (v) know something/someone; be certain that; be sure that; be acquainted with something/someone; realize something; learn something; grasp something; comprehend something
- be a guide for someone; be a pilot for someone; guide someone (people only)
’Waa kunaasd Gan ’la ’unsadaan. He predicted it.
’WaadluwaanGan tl’a ’unsadaalaan. They learned all of them (songs).
Gam yaank’ Gan ’la ’unsad.anggang. He’s not sure about it.
’Iitl’.aan ’la ’unsadgwaang sansdlaang. He is trying to guide us around.

- pretend to know something/someone; think or say that know something/someone
- remind of someone/something; keep in mind something
  • ’unsiid
Gan ’ang ’la ging ’unsiidang. He is pretending that he knows it.
Gan ’laa Hl ging ’unsiidang. I reminded him of it.
Ganhl ’agang ging ’unsad. Keep it in mind; Remember it.

- be (well) known
’ ’unsadaagang. He is well known.

- make realize something; figure out something
Gan ’agang ’la tla ’unsadalgan. He figured out how to do it by fiddling with it.

keep in mind; try to remember

’unsad tsaawala
- know something/someone for certain; be certain of something; really know how to do something
Dang ’waaganGan dii ’unsad tsaawalaang. I’m certain that you did it.
Ta xaaygeeGan ’la ’unsad tsaawalaang. She really knows how to crochet.

from up on something

around on the height of land

- to the height of land
’Unsgwii Gagwiihan.isan ’la tl’agadgaalaan. It (a mountain) stretched far inland too.

’un sk’ada
- (v) learn one’s lesson
- punish
Ginn ’la tlasgudagansda ’la ’un sk’adagan. He learned his lesson from what he made a mistake on.
’Laa ga tluwan sk’ad’aang. He is being punished now.

’un sk’adaa k’alee
(n) people who can’t learn their lesson (be unable, not know how)

’un sk’adayaa
have learned one’s lesson; have been punished

’un sk’adgaada
- learn one’s lesson (human, animal)
Weedtl’aa.uu ’agang tl’a ’un sk’adgaadaayaan. But now they learned their lesson.

- over the hill behind the Village of Old Masset.
’Unt’alga k’ajuugang. It is blowing over the hill (from the north).

’un xasdla
- give (sweetheart) for having sex
K’iitlaa.ahl ’la ’un xasdlaayaan. He gave ten dollars (to his sweetheart) for sex.

- (v) someone/something be distressing; someone/something be frightening
Hiilangeega gy.usullgaagang. The thunder sounds dangerous.
’Laaga ke.éwsulgaagang. He looks dangerous. He is distressing to look at.

- Let’s go!
Ja ’utlaa! Let’s Go!

Brrr (its cold!)

- So much! So big!; Too much!
- (sympathy at pain, hurt of another)
’U-u-u, tliigwáa ta kawsdaa’ahl. Oh, the weather is so hot!