Sunday, April 27, 2014

S: Masset Haida - English


sáaw = ooligan
s as in "seat"

- high; up; in the sky, in the air
Ga sáadajang. Jump up high.
’Ang sáajuu. Have head up high.
Sá-a-a dluu. A little way up.
Sáa ’ ’la gudanggang. He thinks highly of him.
Sáa.uu ’la k’a.aat’ahlaganii. He threw it so that it stayed up.
Júuyee sáa k’iisgadaanii. The sun reached a point high in the sky.
’Laahan.isan síi.eed nang xa kaadaa Gaayaask’uhl.iid kaa.uns tl’a keengaan. Him too they saw walking around above near the one who knew how to hunt with dogs.

- above; over; upstream of
- (v) someone faint; faint
’Laasa.a ’la xasdlahlagan. He put it above him.
Lagujee sa.ahlgaang tl’a naagaadaayaanii hawaan ’waagu tii.udaayaanii. The mats which they had made into a shelter above themselves were still there.
’La sa.agan. He fainted.

be high-class

saagaa tíiyaa
- (v) be hasty, thoughtless (literal: give oneself a short life by making the mistake of being hasty)
’La kil saagaa tíiyaagang. He doesn’t think before he speaks.
Tlagu ’la dlajuus.uu saagaa tíiyaagang. He doesn’t think before he acts.

the one(s) upstairs, up; the area above

bracken fern (pteridium aquilinum)
  • saagunaay

(n) lady fern; spiney wood fern (athyrium filix-femina, dryopterus austriaca)
  • saagulee

- to one place, in one place; together; in a group
Sáahlaangan ’agan tl’a saanjuudagan. They rested together in one place.
Sáahlaangan ’la daangwagan. He threw them in a pile.
Sáahlaangan ’la hlGiwagan. He buried them together.

- be in coffin, burial box; be very old; be near death
Dii saahlangaagang. I am so old.

- (n) interment
’Lanngee didiidhl sáahlangngda Look for interments behind the town.

- (n) remains; interment
- remains of mat; rag; diaper
  • saaliigee

- have been steamed; steam
Saalgaakawd... After it had steamed for a while...
Hawaan tsiinee saalgaagang. The salmon is still steaming.
’Agang ’la saalgaagang. He is taking a sweat bath.

saal Gud
  • saal Gudaay

be ragged; be a rag

saal nee
mortuary hut

saal yahda
- be socially poised (look and behave well amongst people)
’La saal yahdaang. She is poised.

person with protruding lips and ugly mouth

(n) summons

- serve a summons
’Laa ’la sáamiisdagan. He served a summons to him.

(n) wild lily-of-the-valley berry
  • sa.ánee

- (v) relax outside
’Lanngee xidgu ’la sáana’waang. They are (sitting) in front of the town relaxing.

- a while; for a while for a short time
Sáanaa ’la k’aawgan. She sat down for a while.

- have small round lumps in (probably cysts of some parasite)
K’aadee Gaw sa.anáagang. The deer’s meat has lumps.

have the habit of relaxing outside

- (v) go away to visit
’La sáanangaa ’in.gan. He went away on a visit.

- be dawn; be daybreak
- until dawn; all night
Saandlaandaalgang. It is almost dawn.
’Laaga saandlaanaan. Dawn came on him.
Gam ’la k’usaangsaandlaan.anggan. She didn’t cough all night (not even once).

- stay in location until dawn
Gu ’la saandlaandaayaan. He stayed there until dawn.

saandlaan gudaang
be bad weather at dawn

saandlaan sGwaansang
- one dawn, once at dawn
Saandlaan sGwaansang haw.isan Gaa tl’a Gust’asaayaanii. Once at dawn, they all went down to (their eagle blinds) again.

saandlaan xidgu
just before dawn

- dawn
Saandlann ’laasdluu ... When it was a good morning ...

have small round lumps in

(n) sooty shearwater (puffinus griseus)
  • saangg
  • sangg

(v) rest
  • sáanjuudayaa
K’waayhl xangang sáanjuudaa. Rest your eyes for a while.
K’ulang Hla sáanjuuda ’laagan. I gave my legs a good rest.
Kaganjuwang Hl sáanjuudagan. I caught my breath.

sáa sangaa
- no shame
Guus.uu ’la sáa sangaadaa’ahl? I wonder why she has no shame? (lit. I wonder what she is using for pride?)

sáa sangee
- (n) pride; face
’La sáa sangee Gwaangaan. He died of shame (lit. His pride broke).

- from above; from up high; from the sky
Kil sáasda ’la gudaangaan. She heard a voice from above.
K’aas Gudaawee tiibalgee sáasda ’la sk’asdla.algan. He took the lantern down from above the table.

saa sgyaalee
sunset shell (gari californica)

the one(s) upstairs, up; the area above; upstairs

(n) ooligan (thaleichthys pacificus)

be ooligans in location; be an ooligan

- own speech, own words
Saawang ’laa Hl taadagan. I fed him his own words.
SaawangGahl ’la Giida.aang. He is ashamed of what he said.

saaw ’isdláaga
habitually burst out angrily (over anything)

(n) red-breasted merganser (mergus serrator)

- (n) hunt at sea; sea-hunt
Kuda tl’a sáaya ’inngagaangaan. They would go hunting for sea otter.

have fainted; be unconscious
  • sa.agaa

- soft mass
Gii ’la k’u s’abnananggan. He chewed it up (something of soft consistency).

- fast
’La sabdagagan. He was talking fast.

(n) flour, bread; biscuit; pie crust
  • sablíigee

have flour on

sablíi sku xilgalaa
unleavened bread baked in the ashes of a fire
  • sablíi sku tl’ats’galaa

sablíi ts’ii
- flour dumplings
Sablíi ts’ii súgagaa. Flour dumplings with a sugar center.

sablíi xi skun.aawee
flour sifter

- fast young girl
- get skinny; come out of the oven flat
- (v) fart, make a single classifier-type fart
Hahlgwii ’la sadyaandaalgang. She is walking this way fast.
Tl’aagwii ts’aanuwee kusadaan. The fire farted (ie whistled) on them.
’La kusadaang Gaayaagang. He is good at farting.
’La sad.idagwaanggang. She is walking around fast and lively.
K’aadee ’waadluwaan kusadaangaan. All the deer got skinny.

- (v) dip repeatedly in a powdery substance.
- dip body part up and down in liquid.
SabliiGaa skawee ’la dasadáanggan. She dipped the chicken in flour.
GandleeGaa ’la ’ansadáanggan. He repeatedly dipped his head in the water.

(n) snake; grub; smooth-skinned caterpillar; long many-legged worm (such as a nereid worm)
  • sagee

- to location a short distance up
Sagáang ’la xasdlahlagan. He put it up a short distance from where it had been.
Sagáang ’la Gut’ahlagan. He sat up a bit higher.

sagáang sk’agiidaanhliyee
(n) rafter poles

way up

- on top of pile, stack, etc.
- from location a short distance upriver or up-channel from reference point.
- on the upriver or up-channel side of something
- from the upriver or up-channel side of something
Nee sahgúusda ’la hlGanggulaang. He is working a short distance from the house on the up-inlet side.
Sahgúusda ’laanaa.isan sGaa.n da.angaagaan. The (figure) at the top too was a killer whale.
Sahgúusda ’la hlGanggulat’algan. He came down inlet from New Masset to work.

- the one(s) at the top part (of container, pole, etc.); the area at the top part
- the one(s) at the side above something; the one(s) in the part above something; the area above something
’La k’ud sahgúusdagee. His upper lip.

- the one(s) at location a short distance upriver/up-channel from reference point; the area at location a short distance upriver/up-channel from reference point; the one(s) at the top, the area at the top
- the part of something at the up-inlet or upriver side, the upper part of something
  • sahgúusii
Sahgúusdasii ’la Gu hiiluudagan. He burned all the ones at the top of the pile.
Sahgúusii k’anaagang. The top (of the hill) is grassy.
’Lanngee sahgúusii.aa ’waadluu ’a nang k’iyaas t’ak’anangGahl naagaangaan. This old person lived with her grandson a short distance from the up-inlet or upriver end of the town.

- a short distance upriver or up-channel from reference point; in New Masset, at Massett
Sahgwáa ’la nawaang. He is living a short way upriver from here; He is living in New Masset (lit. a short way up-inlet.)
Sahgwáa ’laanaagyaa taayee.uu ’ijaan. It was the coho of the one (shaman) who lived upriver.

- toward a location a short distance from Masset Inlet from reference point, starting from a point across the inlet.
Sahgwaayaa ’la tluu kaat’iijan. He crossed the inlet to this side from here.

- to location a short distance upriver or up-channel from reference point; to New Masset; to Massett
Sahgwíi ’la kinhlagan. He was looking upriver.
Sahgwíi ’la tluu kaa.áydhlagan. He went to Massett from Langara Island; He went to New Masset from Old Massett.

- (v) steam in a pit or in a container (this was done with a wooden box with a layer of gravel in the bottom to protect the box bottom from the hot rocks that provided the heat)
- after something has gone;
  • saal
  • sal
’La saalaanii. He steamed it (food).
Hawaan ’ang ’la salgang. He is still steaming himself.
’Waasahl sGaygagan. They (children) cried after her (their mother).

- filthy object; soft and rotten object
’La s’ahlsaanggang. He is coughing, sounding like he is full of phlegm.
Huu st’aa sk’agee sk’aswaan ’laa s’ahl.udaang. One of his filthy shoes is lying there.

- (v) wave back and forth, sticking out
- become exposed
- beckon to; motion to; wave to
- direct to something; point out something/someone; point at something
- shake finger at someone
- cough, making a classifier-type cough; classifier-type person cough
  • salang
Xaay sk’yaaw sk’asalantl’a.aang. The dog’s tail is waving back and forth sticking out.
Jiingaa ’la xulsaanggan. He coughed with a rattling cough for a long time.
’La k’uluu hlkasahldatl’a.agan. Her skinny legs became exposed.
Tl’aasúuda ’ ’la stlasahldagan. He pointed her out amongst them.
TlaalangGay ’la stlasalanggan. She shook her finger at her husband.
’Laa ’la tlasahldagan. He beckoned to him.

- in exchange for something/someone
Stlagáaga ’aajii sahlga ’la sdahlaang. She wants a bracelet in exchange for this.
Stlagáa sahlg.uu kigwee ’la tsi.iidan. He took the basket in exchange for a bracelet.

- back to the same location, back in the same location
Sahlgáang ’la kaa.aydaan. He went back.
Kungee sahlgáang hiiluuhiidang. The moon is starting to wane (lit. disappear back).
Sahlgáang ’la gyaaguyanggan. He took it back.

- after that, after what happened
Sahlgu ’laa Hl tawwda’aasans. I wonder if I will have him for a friend again after what happened.

- take out of pit or container after steaming
... ’la sahlk’aalaanii. ... he took them out of the box (after steaming).

sahl ts’as.aasa
(v) steam in a pot (any kind of fish cut into big chunks, plus potatoes and onions, covered with water in a pot)

be broad daylight (hn is a voiceless n)

(n) club (of any kind); sword; (halibut clubs had a ball end and salmon clubs were straight)
  • sajee
Xuud sajee. Seal club.

- showing off
Sajáawdgu ’la saaw’ahl? I wonder if he is showing off saying that?
Gam sajáawd ’la dlajuu.anggan. She wasn’t showing off.

(v) be graceful and nice-looking

- (v) ceremonially inter a relative and pay the opposite moiety for interment
- cheer
Hl sak’aa tlaa.ahlsaang. I will ceremonially inter relatives ten times.

sak’a ’alsda
- whoop out joyfully
Tl’a sak’a ’alsdaayaan. They whooped out joyfully.

(n) ceremonial headdress with carved plaque at the forehead and a crown of sea lion whiskers to hold eagle down
  • sakíi.idee

wear sakí

- (n) adolescent girl with nice figure
- former location; former place; former site
- remains; rag
- at the spot where someone/something was
’La kehjgad ’laa sáljuugang. She is a nice-looking young girl.
Gam dii sáliigwii kii.a.ang. Don’t look after me (as I leave).
Sk’waay sálii. Where the high water was.
Hlk’idgaa sálii. A rag that used to be a dress.
Ts’aanuwee sálii tlagee.uu hawaan k’iinaang. The place where the fire was is still warm.

- filth
S’al ga gat’iijang. There is some filth adhering to it.

- be rotten; have decayed; be soft
Sguusadee s’alee.eelaan. The potatoes got rotten.
... yaank’ii ’la s’aláagaan. ... truly it (copper) was soft.

sa ’láanaa
another word sometimes used instead of sans sGaanuwee

(n) syrup

salab gya.adaawee
syrup pitcher

have classifier-type areas of color

- (v) borrow (from someone)
Kyuu tl’ajaa.u ’la.ahl Hl sáldagan. I borrowed an axe from him.

salda gawad
- (v) run up a debt charging fishing supplies that something/someone cannot pay by fishing
Dii ’la salda gawiidan. He ran up a debt for fishing supplies that I could not pay with my fishing income.

- owe (to someone); have to return (to someone)
Kyuu tl’ajaa.u ’laasda Hl sáldayaagang. I have to return an axe to him.

habitually borrow (anything)

salda k’iisdla.ahl
put in difficulty by borrowing something

(n) silk
  • sálgee

be silk

- (v) move on someone’s skin, causing a tickling sensation; tickle something by moving
Dii k’uluuguud ginn salgaanggan. Something was moving on my leg, tickling me.

- take after someone/something; resemble something/someone in behaviour
- look like (verb)ed, look like was (verb)ed.
- at the place where someone was, had been; after someone
- after
- to the place where someone was, had been
’Laa sailyáa ’la kaatl’a.agaan. He came right after she left.
’Laa gyaa nee saliyáa ’la náawhlaang. He is building a house on the spot where his (someone else’s) house used to be.
Gaa gagi.iid k’a saliyáa’ahlanggang. It must look like a wildman slept in there.
Gahl Joe saliyáagang. Joe is taking after them (his mother’s people) in doing that.
’La ’aww kyaaga kaaguhlaas saliyaa kungee ’la k’u k’ii.iidaangaan. He used to pick up the moon with his beak after his mother went outside.

- (v) take after in behaviour; act like (subject and object are close relatives on the mother’s side)
Naanang.uu ’la saliyáadaang. She takes after her maternal grandmother.
’La kaa gyaa k’iid Gaayagee ’la saliyáadaang. He is taking after his uncle’s ability to carve.

- pretty little girl with pointed nose
’Agang ’la dang samgiidan. She (little girl with pretty nose) smiled.
’La sam.idagwaanggang. She, pretty girl with pointed nose, is going around fast and lively.

- (n) floating snow
S’am giiganggang. Snow is floating on the water (lit. floating snow is on the water).

be snow floating on the water

(n) chief

- (v) be waterlogged and icy; be slushy
T’a.awee s’am.agaang. The snow is slushy now.

- kissing; smelling, tasting; sniffing; blowing out of nose
- smell of diffuse
- (n) stale taste
- (n) maple tree or wood; gambling stick
Sán sgunaang. It tastes stale.
Sánsgad ’laa Gusdlaang. It smells real good.
Xagu ’laasda sánjuugang. (The smell of) halibut is coming from him.
’Laa ’la sántl’agan. He gave her a traditional kiss (was done by making a loud sniff against a body part, ie forehead, hair, cheek, etc.)
Sán.gudanhlaa. Smell it.
Sán tsatlaa.ahl Gaa ’laa ’isii ’laa ’la keengaan. He saw that his ten sets of gambling sticks were in it.

- (v) beachcomb
’La san.aa.aagaan. He went to beachcomb.

- gamble (with something/someone)
- as the lasting effect or sign of; because of; from
Gasantl’aa.uu dang st’igaalaa? Kinaasiisánda’aa. Why did you get sick? From the heavy things (that I lifted).
Sá ’la Giidang. He is rich as a result of having been poor (being poor is the ticket to becoming rich).
Hlk’uukasdlaas Haayaasga sándiyeeda gwaalaan. ’Hlk’uukasdlaas’ got the idea of gambling with ’Haayaas.’

- be Sunday; week
Sándiigaa sGask’u ’la gaawaan. He was gone for a whole week.

- (n) the week; Sunday
Sándiigee sGask’u diik’uhl ’la ’iijan. He was with me for the whole week.
Sándiigee hiiluu sGasdlaang. The week is finished.

- during this week
’Aasgee sándiigeeguud gam ’laa Hl king.anggan. I didn’t see him this week.

sándiigee Gáad’áa
- in the middle of the week, sometime during the week sándiigee Gáad’áa dan Hl king.asaang. I’ll see you sometime next week.
’Aasgee sándiigee Gáad’áa dan Hl king.asaang. I’ll see you something this week.

(n) air; weather; day (period of daylight)
  • sángee
’AajiiGaa sáng k’iinagiigaangaan. The air in this (cave) was always warm.
Gaalgwaa sángee daGangagan. The weather was bad last night.
Sángee jandaas hlGun.ahl Gii ’la hlGanggulagan. She worked on it for the three long days.
Ga sángeeGii ’is diiga ’la suudan. He told me what on which day it happened.

say intend to
  • saanggee
’La kaa.ayd sanggan. He said he intends to leave.

- until morning; all night
Ts’iiga sang.agan. It rained and blew all night.
Gam ’la k’adii sing.a.anggan. He didn’t go to sleep all night.

- be of such high rank that it is unwise or dangerous to offend someone/something (ie a shredded cedarbark ring)
- think or say that something/someone is of high rank and therefore due respect
- last winter
NeeGaa ’agang ’la gu sangáagang. He considers himself to be of too high a rank for the house.
Giisand.uu ’aadlan ’la ’ijaa? Sangáagwaa? Gee. When was he here? Last winter? No.
Sangáa Gagwii ’la sdiihltl’a.agan. He returned late last winter.

- preserve, defend rank of by giving a face-saving gift to one of the opposite moiety, give a party for
’Laa gyaa kaay saandlanee tl’a sangáadagan. They gave a party for his birthday.
Tlaalang ’la sangáadagan. She gave a party for her husband.

- always think or say that self is too high for anything
GinnGaahan.uu ’ang ’la gu sangáagaang. He always considers himself to be too high for anything.

the ones from last winter

- be morning; be early in the day
Hawaan sang’aa.igaa’iidang. It is still too early in the morning.

(n) morning; in the morning
  • sáng’á
’Aa.uu tlanuud sáng’áay ’laa ga taagan. This is the first time he ate in the morning.
’Adáahl sáng’á ts’uuda Hl diyaang’aa.aa’asgaa. Tomorrow early in the morning, I’ll look for a cedar.

- very early in the morning, while very early in the morning
Sáng’áaygaada t’alang ga taagan. We ate very early in the morning.

- the morning one(s); breakfast, the mourning meal
Gyaagan sáng’áaygee.uu ’iijang. It’s my breakfast.

- for the morning
Sang’aayk’yúu ginn ’la tlang Galanggan. He cooked something for the morning.

- (v) die
’La sang.ahldaang. He just now died.

  • sáng.ajang

- (v) be irresponsible (covers being thoughtless, being careless)
’La gid sang’anggáayaagang. His son is irresponsible.

(n) season from beginning of November to beginning of February; winter (the traditional calendar comprised of two seaons, winter and summer, each having six months, hence winter has been shortened by three months due to influence of the Gregorian calendar)
  • sánggee

- be winter
Sánggaa.aa daGanggaang. It is a bad winter (cold and long).
’Iitl’ sánggaa.aagang. Winter is on us; It is winter for us.

be winter now

have become winter

- the beginning of winter
’Aasgee sangga.adeeguud Hl xanjuu.asaang. I will take a trip at the beginning of this winter.

- spend winter in location; winter in location; stay in location for winter
Gu ’la sánggadagiigan. He already spent the winter there.

sángg sGíiwee
winter seaweed (red laver), this appears in march and is often eaten fresh.

sáng gudáagu
- trusting to chance; hoping for the best
Sáng gudáagu ’la k’yaadagan. Hoping for the best, she hung them up (it might rain, etc.)

- die ’la sáng gwa.aydan. Finally he died.

- (v) be difficult; be hard, be hard to bear
Tada sáng’iits’aa.uu ’iijang. It is a hard winter.
Gan ’unsadee sáng’iits’aang. It is complicated, Grasping it is hard to understand.
Ginn sáng’iits’aas ’la tla ya.agalgan. He straightened out the trouble, He solved the problem.

- have a hard time, difficult time
- give a hard time, make it hard for
MasmuusgeeGii ’la sáng’iits’agaagan. He had a hard time with the cow, The cow is a nuisance for him.
Dii ’la tla sáng’iits’agaagan. He gave me a hard time, by what he was doing with his hands (stealing things, banging things around, etc.)

sáng kihlgáng
say feel sorry for someone, sympathize (with someone)

- without result; for nothing; for no reason
Sángk’ahlaad ’laaga ’la kaadagan. He blamed him for no reason.
Sángk’ahlaad Gii kamnanaangaan. It broke up for no (known) reason.

sang k’idáa
- in the daytime, during daylight hours
Sang k’idáa ’la tiigan. She went to bed during the day.

- in exchange for, in return for
Ga tla.aydsangng ’la guusuugang. He is praying for help.
Ginn ts’uujuusangng ’la hlGanggulaang. He is working for a pittance.
Dagwaa.isdliyeesangng ’la guusaawaan. She prayed to get well.

sang sGask’u
all day, a/the whole day
  • sang sGang.andguud
Sang sGask’u jahlii Gay ’la k’inanaangaan. He cut it up all day.
Sang sGang.andguud ’la gawgan. He was gone the whole day.
Sang sGang.andaguud dalaagan. It rained the whole day.

sáng sGunaa
in one day

sang tlaagang
do something to make someone feel better

sáng xidgu
in the evening; at the end of the day

- (v) be evening; get dark
- all day; until nightfall
XiwGan sá’algang. The evening is a sign of a coming SE wind (lit. It is going down to be evening for a SE wind.)
Sá’alee ’laagang. The evening is a sign of good weather (lit. It is nicely going down to be evening).
Diiga sángyagan. It got dark on me.
’La gaw sángyagan. He was gone all day.
Dii st’i sángyagan. I was sick all day.

- (n) evening
Sangyaa kwaanguud ’aajii gudga Gahl tl’a gya.ahlandagaangaanii. They used to tell this (story) to each other on many evenings.
Sangyaa sGask’u.uu ’la gawgan. He was gone the whole evening.
’Aasgee sangyeeguud dan Hl king.asaang. I’ll see you this evening.

(n) the evening meal; supper; for supper
  • sangyeegee
Sangya.ahlgee Giihlgiigang. The supper is ready.
Sangya.ahlgee k’yúu ’la Giidang. He is waiting for supper.
Sangyeegee tsaanaagagan. The evening meal was wasted.
Sangya.ahlgee tsii.n t’alang taagan. We ate salmon for supper.

sangyaa sGwáansang
- one evening, a certain evening
’Waagyaan haw.isan sangyaa sGwáansang ’a nang Ga.a xajuus Then again one evening after this child had cried for a while...

- stay in location till nightfall
Gu tl’a sángyadaayaan. They stayed there till nightfall.

sangya gudahlda
be quite dark

- have been verbed all day.
’Aajii ts’as.alang sangyayaagang. This has been boiled all day.

- habitually eat very little
’Waagyaan ’agang ’la s’ánjuwee.eehldaayaan. He had himself acquire the habit of eating very little (pretending to be high-class).

sán k’íisdla
- turn away from someone, saying "phew"
’Laasda ’la sán k’íisdla. He turned away from him, saying "phew" (because he stank).

- try; kind of
’Laaga ’la sánsdlagan. He tried to help her.
’La skyáana sánsdlagan. She tried to stay awake
’La kil Hl gudang sánsdlagan. I kind of heard what he said.

san sguna
taste stale, old; have lost flavor

san sGunaa
in one day

san sGwáansang
- in one day; Monday
San sGwáansangsGun.aan ’la ngiisdlagan. She got better in just one day.
San sGwá tlii jiingaa ’la ’ijaan. He went quite a distance in one day.

sans k'aangal sGaanuwee
the name of the highest power, deity. What it describes is the power that fills nothing and is no where, but brought everything into being. We don’t try to understand what that is. It’s just that it is there, and that’s all we need to know about it.

sans sGaanuwee
the Spirit of the Atmosphere (this is the greatest of the spirits or deities, ie Great Spirit), This power fills everything, is a part of everything and in everything. It is a part of us, and in us. It doesn’t matter if you believe in it (you don’t have to worship it), because it just is (much like air, it just is).

- air out
- loose flavor with exposure to air
Xagwee sanst’aang. The (dried) halibut has lost its flavor.
Hawaan Giisda sanst’aang. It is still airing out.

air out something

- make fed up
Tl’aa ’la tla sanst’ahla ’iw’waanaan... He made people really fed up with his talking...

- in the daytime, during the daylight hour
Santl’agu ’la tiigan. She went to bed in late afternoon, while it was still light.

(n) sense of smell

- (v) put in the fire or stove (something) to burn
Ts’aanuudaneeGii ’la sasa Gujuugan. He put them all in the stove.

(n) rattle (generic); raven rattle (chief’s carved rattle having the form of a raven)

sasaa k’íigee
harlequin duck (histrionicus histrionicus)

have been put in the fire/stove (something) to burn

- (v) spread something apart, out, open
- have an erection
K’iwGaa ’laa ’la dansasdlaayaanii. He pulled open the mouth of his (basket).
Gin.iidGaa ’la tlasasdlaayaan. She opened the smoke hole wider.
TluweeGaa ’la kisasdla’waayaan. They spread the canoe (which they were steaming) by inserting sticks or thwarts.
’La sk’asasdlagan. He had an erection.

something have been spread apart, spread out

- small person (adult or child) or small amount
- using front or side (rarely the bottom) of foot; kick
- from; off; away from; out of; of
- holler in classifier-type voice
’La hlgaamsdagan. He yelled in a loud voice.
Tadla sk’awsdagan. A loon screamed, A loon called.
’La ’i sdajuugang. He is small.
Tsiinee sda skidagaang. There are lots of fish jumping and flipping their tails.
Guud ’la sda guhlagan. He lightly touched it with the front or side (not bottom) of his foot.
’La sdat’agunggang. He is kicking around (eg in bed).
’Laasda ’la dahganii. He bought it from him.
Ginn ’waadluwaan taanaa nageesda ’la ’isda’waagan. He took everything out of the smokehouse.

- a quantity
T’a.awee sdáajuu’uhlaang. There is snow all over this morning.

- (v) stay away from someone
’Laasda ’agang ’la sdaa.alaada jiingaagan. She kept away from him for a long time.

have started to stay away from

- (v) be jealous of (wanting something/someone for self)
’Awansda duunang ’la sda.áanggang. He is jealous of his younger brother, wanting his mother for himself.

(n) stockings

wear stockings

- (n) (for ego a chief) a chief from another village in a special protective relationship of friendship
"Sdáaguhl, daatl’ahl gam taa.ang," hin sdáaguhlaang ’la suudaayaan. "Friend, don’t you, however, eat it," he said to his friend.

- have for a friend
’AhljiiGaaguu gud ’la sdáaguhlda ’aawaan. It was for this that they had each other as ’friends’.

- be sdaaguhl
Sk’a.aaws ’lanngeegu nan sGaagaa sdáagulaadaayaan. A shaman at sk’a.aaws town had someone as a ’friend’.

- side of abdomen (side of waist)
Dii sdáa.igee st’igang. The side of my abdomen is hurting.

(n) laundry starch

apply starch to; starch

- large 1-dimensional extended arc-shaped object; large 2-dimensional extended ring-shaped object
- tall and bent-over person
HlGiid sdáamkuunaa ’la da.aang. He has a large bow.
’La ’i sdáamjuugang. He is tall and bent-over.

- be worth two classifier units, cost two classifier units
- be two fathoms long
Tluu sdáanggaa ’ ’la tla.áwhlaayaan. He made him a two-fathom canoe.
Xaldaang sdáanggaagang. It is worth two slaves.
Tluwee xi Gallgiid sdáanggaagang. The canoe is two fathoms long.

be eight; 8; eight times; eight of; all eight of

- (v) keep nice for special occasions
Sk’uuliyeek’yúu hlk’idgee ’la sdaawda sansdlaang. She is trying to keep the dress nice for use in public.

habitually keep things for special occasions (ie clothing, furniture, dishes)

- (v) be thin
K’úudaats’ee diinaa sdáayaang. My coat is thin.

- quite far apart
Gudsdagáad tl’a gya.anggang. They are standing quite far apart.
Gudsdagáad ’la Gagan.n.ganggang. He is breathing slowly.
Gudsdagáad tl’a k’ak’adaanggang. They are ringing the bell slowly (at long intervals).

(n) the part of a dried salmon or halibut next to the tail and including the anal fin

(n) a type of bird; (storm) petrel species (oceanodroma furcata, o. leucorhoa)

- (v) want something (from direction or in location) (at time)
Gwa.ahlGaa ga dii sdahlaang. I want them in a bag.
Gyaagu Hl ’isdaa hlangeega dii sdahlaang. I need a place to put it.
’Adá ga dii sdahlaang. I want it tomorrow.

sdahla Gaalgaa
want something right away

want everything; be always wanting things (or women)

something be wanted; something be in demand

- good for nothing person (of either sex); rascal
Tlak’ ’la Gi sdak’uhljuugang. He is good-for-nothing; He’s a rascal.
Hawaan ’la tii sdak’uhl.udaang. The rascal is still in bed.

- (n) slope
Sdáleesda ’la kuwa Gat’algan. He slid down the hill (slope) on a sled.

- be steep (the grade here is at least 30 degrees, ie quiet steep)
K’yuwaahlee sdaláagang. The road up (the hill, mountain) is steep.

sdalaa Gat’as
- be a cliff
’Waagyaan sdalaa Gat’asda ’la kinggwaanggaangaan. He kept looking around for a place that was a cliff.

- (v) try one’s best to get something
- criticize someone/something for not finishing something long ago (while presenting oneself as better able to do it)
Nee Hl tla.áwhliyeeGaa ’ang ’la gin sdaláanggan. He said that he could have finished fixing the house long ago.
Nee Bill k’udlansgu ’laa.aa ’agang ’la gin sdaláanggan. He said that he could have finished painting Bill’s house long ago.

- small baby or child
’Angaa ’la sdam.iidan. She took off (left the area) with her little one.
’La ’i sdamjuugang. It is small.

- take two classifier-units of; eat two classifier-units of; put two classifier-units of
- do hard; do loudly; do fast
- use two
Gud’ii gint’ajee ’la gisdandagan. He put two blankets on the bed; He used two blankets (on the bed).
Kiilanhl xasdandaa. Talk loud (lit. make your voice double).
Tlaang ’la xasdandaang. He began to walk faster.
Gud’ii gint’ajee ’la gisdandagan. He put two blankets on the bed; He used two blankets (on the bed).

- have had two units of put in
’AaniisGii t’awsdandiyaagang. They stayed there two days.

- be two; 2; times two; two times;  two of; both of; neither of; two units
- be a partner with someone
- have sexual intercourse with someone
- be in two circles, rows
- be two units long; be two units old
- twice
Sk’aangwee st’a k’iisdánggang. The stick is two feet long.
K’asgiid sdánggaa. It is two o’clock.
’Aa.uu kiihlgaa GasdángGaa dah ’iijang. Here are two bowls of cranberries (lit. cranberries in two bowls).
Hawaan dii gudangee sdánggang. I’m still undecided. I haven’t made up my mind yet.
Gud’ahl ’agan ’la sdánga’waang. They are partners.
’La.ahl ’la sdáangaan. He had sex with her. She had sex with him.
Gud’aa ’ii.uwaagee sgasdánggang. The groups form two circles.
Diiga ’la tla.ayd sdánggan. He helped me twice.

- be in pairs, be paired off, be in couples, in groups of two
Kiihlgee Gasdáng.a.aang. The dishes are in pairs.

(n) charcoal
- be unable to handle something alone, be unable to do something alone
PianogeeGaa ’iitl’ sdanggaang.iidang. The two of us (lit. we two) are unable to handle the piano alone.

- make two out of something
- come out to two classifier units, amount to two classifier units
  • sdang’il
  • sdang’eel
’Waasda ’la k’i xasdáng’ilgan. She made two small ones from it by cutting it.
’Waasda ’la k’i sdáng’ilgan. He made two small ones from it by cutting it.
’Agang ka ts’asdáng’eel.ang kasa.aang. It is going to come out to two boxes/cases (eg. what one is canning or jarring).

- be born twins (with someone).
Gud’ahl ’la sdantl’a.a’aawaan. They were twins.
’Iitl’ sdantl’a.aayaan. We were born twins.
’La.ahl dii sdantl’a.aayaan. He and I were born twins.

have been born twins (with someone); be twins (with someone)

(v) be numb from lack of circulation; be asleep
  • st’asdángga
Dii k’uluu sdasdánggassdlaang. My leg went to sleep.
Danggu st’asdánggaa? Is your foot asleep?

- hatch
K’aawee sdast’aang. The herring eggs are hatched now.

- (n) uvula; trigger of firearm; barb of traditional halibut hook
- large cylindrical fishtrap
Dii sdast’áangaa Gatl’a.asgagan. My uvula almost jumped out.

never wish for any food; be too stingy to buy food

(n) steamboat, steamer

- (v) change mind about going; return (in direction) (distance of measure); turn back (in direction); go back (in direction) (distance of measure)
’Anaaga ’la sdíihlts’agan. She went back inside.
Sahlgaang hlannkwaanGaa tl’a sdíihl.aang kasa.sdlaayaan. They were ready to go back to Klinkwan (an Alaskan village/town).

give back; return

have converted to christianity

have returned

(n) steel

- (v) steam in order to soften for bending (ie wood)
’Waagyaan ’laa ’la sdiimda’wagan. Then they steamed it (a canoe).

- (v) give (in direction), give away; put in direction or location; move (in direction); bring (in direction), take (in direction)
- empty something; leave something empty
- gathered together; collect
- whole, entire, completely
- turn to face direction; turn in direction
- get to work on something to finish it
- let go; release; postphone, put off; let out more; loosen; give up on
- change every little while
- start
- open; be open; be unlocked
- hold back from going past by stretching out arms
- pin down in direction; have been pinned down in direction; have started to pin down in direction
K’ust’aneega tl’a xaawgee Gasdlaang. (Their) Fishing for crabs has started.
K’yuwee xu Gasdlagan. The door blew open.
Stuwee ’la sgi Gasdlagan. He opened the sea urchin by hitting it with a spoon, knife blade.
Kyuwee ’waasda Gaamsdlaang. The door is open wide now.
Kalgee sGaw k’iisdlaayaan. The whole big chunk of ice melted.
Gaanee ’la ta tsasdlagan. He at the whole basket of berries.
Dii ga xisdlats’aang. The weather is keeping me inside now.
’Laa ’la xisdlagan. He stopped him from going by, by stretching out his arms.
Naadang ’la ’unsdlatl’a.agaan. He carried his nephew out of the woods.
Kan tiigee ’la kan gisdlagan. She changed her scarf every little (once in a) while.
Kwaayeehl ’waa.aa tlasdlaa. Loosen the rope.
Tlaan.uu diiga tla.adee ’la tlasdlagan. He gave up on helping me.
Kwaayeehl tlasdlaa. Let go of the rope.
Kwaayeehl k’usdlaa. Let go of the rope (addressed to a dog or bird).
Gam tlasdla.ang. Don’t let it go. Hold it steady.
Diigwii tl’a ’waadluwaan ’agang dlasdlagan. Everyone turned to face me.
’Waadluu hlangaan tluwee tlast’al daal gisdlaayaan. The canoe had swung a bit sideways with the current.
Naaga ’la tsasdlats’agan. She put it (bag) inside the house.
’Aanáaga GudeeGii ’la xasdlasgyaan.gan. He put it in the next room in the box.
Sk’in kawee ’wii ’la skaasuugang. She is putting the seagull eggs in there.
’Aajiisdagu dangga ’la xasdlaayaa? Did he give you a bit from this?
Nee k’aal tl’a tiisdlagan. They emptied the house, ie took everything out.
Sk’il gud’aa ’la hlk’yaawsdlagan. He swept together the dirt.
Nee Bill k’udlan.geegwii ’agang ’la dlasdlagan. Bill got to work on painting the house.
Wiid kwahsdlaganggang. Swainson’s thrush is pointing his head this way and that (applied to wind in month of July, which switches around a great deal. this is said to ripen the berries and Swainson’s thrush is said to order the wind direction by pointing its head).

- (v) set course, heading (in direction)
’Waagyaan tluwee tl’aa.aa kunsdla.aawaan. Then the canoe turned toward them.
Gwaayeegwii ’la ’ansdla.aawgan. He set a course toward the islands.

(n) spoon
  • sdláagulee

sdláagwaal xasáa
small back spoon of mountain goat horn
  • sdláagwaal xasáagee

- tall and skinny boy or young man
’La ’i sdláamjuugang. He is tall and skinny.

- (n) intestine; guts; bowel; kelp stipe
Hlkaamee sdláa.n xilgalaagang. The kelp stipe is dried up.

have intestines

- cylindrical object with very small diameter relative to length (in about the proportion of a pencil)
- slim
Gandlee kwah sdlabyaanggang. The stream is flowing narrow.
’La ’i sdlabjuugang. She is slim.
Guus.uu dang k’u sdlabganggang? What (pencil-like object) are you holding in your mouth?

sdla daGanga
marry the wrong person

- (v) be up and about
- take time doing things
- behave
’Aayaad ’la dlasdlaganggang. He is up and about today.
Gud Gawaahlgaang ’la dlasdlaganggang. He is taking his time doing things.
Huu tlagu ’la dlasdlaganggang. That’s how he’s behaving.

(n) river (land) otter

- like a land otter
Sdlagusgingaan.uu ’la Giidang. He (a child) is naughty, He (an adult) is promiscuous.

- be a river otter
- be naughty, be promiscuous; be sneaky
’La sdlagwáagaadúu xiid ’la dlu.unant’aalaan. If it had not rolled down, one would not know that it was in fact an otter.

- slow and skinny woman or girl
’La ’i sdlahjuugang. She is slow and skinny.

sdla ’laa
marry the right person

- remove intestines of; gut
Taanee ’la sdlánst’agan. He gutted the bear.

- have been put in direction
- have been given to someone
- something have been completely emptied; something have been left completely empty
- have gathered together; have been gathered up
K’iwgu ginn k’usdliyáasgu dang king? Do you see what the octopus removed from its den?
Nee k’aal diinaa tiisdliyáagang. My house is completely empty now.

- (v) be red and sore
’La xang k’un sdlúunangaagang. The edges of his eyes are red and sore.

keep on floor or ground by operating on

- make fall; make lie down
- spread out on the ground to dry
’Laa ’la dang dlasdluwagan. She pulled her down.
’Laa k’a dlasdluwaayaan. He was run over and crushed (by a vehicle).
SGiiwee ’aa ’la tlansdluwaayaan. She spread out her seaweed to dry.

have been spread out on the ground to dry

- (v) kunndaang or kunngaang utter a certain breathy interjection through the noise
T’aa.nggwaa ’laanaa kunngaang sduu.ida.anggaangaan. The one in the stern kept on saying ’hee’ through his nose every little while.

- 1-dimensional extended arc-shaped object; 2-dimensional extended ring-shaped object
- small amount, object or sound
- just about; almost; could have
- without success
Ts’aanuweeGii ’la sga.aasagan. He put a little bit in the fire.
’La xahlii sgadalaang. She has a small mouth (lit. her mouth is a small hole).
’La dladahldasgagan. He almost fell.
Gandlee kahlsgaang. The water almost froze.
St’a.áwgaasgagan. It was almost full.

- winding or curving path
Wahgwii k’yuwee ki sgaagiidang. The road turns a curve going that way.
Gadaang ’la dang sgaajúuhldagan. He turned around, rowing.

(v) make into home brew

- (n) person bereft of good sense; fool
- salmon collarbone

be a fool; be crazy

(n) pigeon guillemot (eggs of this bird were gathered for eating).
  • sgáGaduwaay

- (n) bald spot
Sga.aj diinaa ’la gisuugan. She wiped my bald spot.

be bald

(v) be itchy

- large 1-dimensional extended arc-shaped object; large 2-dimensional extended ring-shaped object; tall and bent-over person
Kan k’ii.unaangwee ’waasda sgaamwiigan. The big wheel fell off there.
HlGiidee ’laangaa jan sgaamjuugang. His bow is big.

(n) steel halibut hook
  • sgaat’agangee

(n) scow

- (v) say (to someone) that could have worked on if had known about
Taanaa nagee dii.aa ’la sgaayaasgadagan. He said to me that he could have fixed the smokehouse, if only he had known about it (being broken).

- 1-dimensional extended object with curved end; bent-over or hunchbacked person.
Dajang sgabjuu xidgu ’la kaa.unggang. He is going around in a bowler hat (named for the brim that curves up).
’La kun ’wii sgabjuugang. He has a hooked nose.

- (v) make penetrate something; poke into something
- make bump into something; strike something; make strike something
Sk’aang.u dii stlaayGii xabsgiidan. A sliver went into my hand.

have been struck (in something part)

- let get rotten
Tsaay ’la sgadáandagan. She let the fish eggs get rotten, age (to prepare stink eggs).

(n) rotten, decomposed protein matter

smell rotten, stink
  • sgadáang sguna
’La st’aay sgadáanggaagang. His feet smell terrible.

rot and start to stink, smell

(n) black oystercatcher

(v) (egg) have embryo growing in; be pregnant (human mother after about one month of pregnancy, or a bird’s egg)

have become pregnant, have embryo growing in

(n) short-finned pilot whale (globicephala scammoni)
  • sgagúud

- stiff leather, rope, bow (weapon)
HlGiidee sgahlts’aang. The bow is stiff.

- small child
’La ’i sgaljuugang. He is small.

- medium-sized hemispherical object; small chunk of something soft; fat child
Stáw ts’ii ’la sgám.aats’agan. She swallowed the sea urchin gonad.

- brief nasal sound
’La k’ah sgansdagan. He snorted a laugh through his nose.

- be of a light brown color
Sgansgunaa hlGahl gandalaa. Be of a dark brown color.

(n) Hudson’s Bay trade blanket of a light brown color

(v) coil (in direction) (ie rope)

have been coiled

(n) tanned skin or hide; leather

- be made of leather
’La xang sgat’aláagang. He doesn’t show any embarrassment (lit. His face is leathery).

(n) sand flea

- small pointed nose
’La kun ’wii sgijuugang. Her nose is small and pointed.

- (v) kill by clubbing; club; hit
Kay nang sgiid Gaayaa gu naagaan. Someone who knew how to club sea lions lived there.

- young girl with nice nose and small slender figure
- striking with side of a 1-dimensional extended object; chopping; clubbing
- strike and make characteristic (classifier) noise; fall and hit ground and make characteristic noise; jerk up and down
- close (on something) with classifier sound
- accidentally make striking (against something), making a noise
- happen on something/someone; come across something/someone; discover something/someone; spot someone/something
- start to work on someone
  • k’adaang
Ga.agee sgi skaajuugang. The kids are playing baseball.
’ Hl k’ahlsgiidan. I had a feeling that he was around (as he in fact was).
Xil ’ kaasgiidang. The love medicine is working on him now.
’La sgidkunnee.elgang. She (small slim girl) has gotten big.
Gawjuweega ’la sgid’iidan. He applauded by beating the drum.
Ts’uweesda tluu ’la sgi gist’aang. He is chopping a canoe from the cedar log.
Smith Jonesgwii sgi Gat’wagaa. Jones ’áadeeGii sgi Gats’agaa.
Smith passes to Jones! Jones shoots it into the net! (Basketball argot).
Dii k’uuga ’waa.aa Ga dabk’adaanggang. My heart is pounding.
Kagan skammee Ga xidsgiidan. The mouse trap went off with a sharp sound. ts’aslaangweeGaa Ga k’absgiidan. The lid closed on the pot with a sharp sound.
Kiihlgee ’la sda Ga xidsgiidan. He accidentally kicked the dishes, making them rattle.
NeeGii k’udang ’la kii sk’ak’adaanggaangaan. He used to knock his beak on the house.
Sku gawk’adaanhlaa. Pound it slowly (a drum) with your hand.
K’awwee ’la da gawsgiidan. He shoved the wide board, making it fall to the ground with a thud.
Gudluu gawjuwee ’aa ’la sgi gawk’adaang’wagan. They each struck their drums once, at the same time.
Tuut’ee du.ul ’la stlasgadaanii. He tapped the side of the storage box with his finger.

sgi dlasadáang
beat and submerge in order to drive evil spirits out of (evil spirits were said to take the form of mice).

- (n) tiny object (including child or woman) or tiny amount
- navel
- small closed basket attached loosely to the crown of a spruce root hat (each of these baskets marked a ’waahlaal potlatch by the wearer of the hat)
- watchman on top of carved pole (they are called ’watchman’ in english because they are sometimes represented in stories as raising alarms).
’Waadluu sgíilee ’ ’laa hlgijaawaan. And his sgíl (ie the hat with these on it) were on (his head).
Sgíilee ’laa sk’atlaa.aalaan. He had ten sgíl.
Dang sgíl ’waasda k’iijuutl’a.aang. Your navel is exposed.
Stlíihlu diiga ’la sgílsdlagan. He gave me a tiny ring.
Hahlgwii ’la xi sgílyaandaalgang. She (little child) is running this way.
’La sgíl.aats’agan. She swallowed a tiny bit.

have sgíl on

(n) willow species, sweatlodges (sweatlodge frames were made from this and sweatlodges bare the same name)
  • sgiisgee

- (v) steer; be steersman; be helmsman
’Laa.uu sgíndaayaan. It was he who was steersman.

steering paddle; rudder; boat wheel

(v) be fast at running, walking
  • sgingula
Ga sgingulaasgee.uu gu ’istl’a.a tlaagaanggan. The fast ones got there first.

sginguhl gud’a
- be slow at running, walking
Nang sginguhl gud’aas tl’a ka t’a k’a.aat’agan. They left the slow one behind.

- (v) be acute, be alert, notice everything
’La gid sgisangáagang. Her child notices everything (eg she then tries to imitate what she saw.)
Xa sgisangáa ’la da.aang. He has an alert dog (a good watchdog).

- keep eyes open; stay alert (for a chance to get something, for a chance to do something)
’Laaga ’la tla.adeeGan ’ang ’la sgisangaadaang. He is keeping his eyes open for a chance to help him.

- (n) cedar withes or rope made therefrom, (the cedar withes were prepared by first removing the outer bark and ’needles’; the limbs were often then split; This was widely used for fastening the parts of fishtraps together, grommets, etc.)
’Waagyaan sgisgálee Ga sGak’adaang.idsdluu ... When the cedar rope started to jerk ...

- be stingy
’La gudangee sgisgalaagang. He is stingy.

sgi skaa.unaang sk’aangwee
shinny stick

sgi tiisdla
- clear away by chopping
Sk’awee ’la sgi tiisdlagan. He cleared away the salmonberry bushes.

sgi xánsdla
- chop out rough form of; rough out with adze
T’ ’la sgi xánsdlagan. He roughed out the stern.

  • sgwa
Diid ’la sgwa.ayaanggan. He was calling up in the woods.
Dii gyuu.aa sgwa.adaang. I have a whistle in my ear.

(n) human back from neck to waist (bottom of ribcage), back of hand, back of garment, back of mammal, bird, or amphibian, back of knife
  • sgwa
Dii stlaay sgwaay ga kits’aalaan. The back of my hand got scratched up.

- (v) make a mistake on, make a mistake when; miss
K’yuwee ’la t’asgudaayaan. He missed the trail, He took the wrong trail.
Si.ín ’la t’asgudagan. He stepped on a nail by mistake.
Guusaaw ’la kilsgudaayaan. He forgot how he had lied on an earlier occasion and contradicted himself.

point out (causee’s) mistake on; chide (causee) for making a mistake on
  • k’wáayansgudada

have been chided for making a mistake
  • k’wáayansgudadayaa

- be (done) wrong; be mistaken; have been missed
Tlasgudiya. Habitually make mistakes (on things).

bent-over or hunchbacked person
  • sgu
’La ’i sgúhljuugang. He is hunchbacked.

- small person of any age (adults, adolescents would be called ’runty’)
’La ’i sguljuugang. He is small and runty.

- tiny cute 2 or 3 dimensional extended object (including a child); small voice
- smelling; smell diffuse
’Laa gyaa sgún.ulaawee Hl sgun ya.agan. I smelled her perfume plainly. I identified her perfume.
Sgún.gudanhlaa. Smell it (to see how it is).
’Laasda sgún Gamjuugang. Body odor smell is coming from him.
’Aajii ’la sgún ke.esgagan. He didn’t like how this smells.
’La sgúndagagan. She spoke in a tiny voice.
’La sgún.adagan. She screamed in a tiny voice.

- smell of (incorporated noun)
Xaw’laa sguna. Smell delicious
T’eel sguna. Smell sour (wet clothing, wet rags)
Xagu sguna, Smell of halibut.
Tsan sguna. Smell of stale urine.
Tsagánsaan sguna. Smell of stale urine.
Kay sguna. Have body odor.
K’ál.ud sguna. Smell moldy.
DaaGangad sguna. Smell spoiled.
Xalsgad sguna. Smell like the bottom (of the pot) burned.
Galansdlaa sguna. Smell cooked.

- stink, smell
St’aad xilldaawee ’laa sgunáagang. His socks stink.

sgunaa gudaang
smell because never wash one’s crotch

sgunaa hlgijaaw
unidentified fly species (large fly with a yellowish back, larger than an ordinary blowfly, that hangs around fetid matter. Thought to carry k’aam.)

sgunwala kamsdla
smell nice (wafting smell, standing by or moving)

(n) double-crested cormorant

- exhaust self with sex
’Agang ’la sguulaansdlaayaa.ang tl’a suugan. They said he exhausted himself with sex.

- (v) make a certain exclamation of weariness
Kaganjuwang ’la sgúusdagan. She made a certain exclamation of weariness.

(n) potato
  • sgúusadee
  • sgúusadaa
Xáadas sgúusadaa. A long skinny variety of potato formerly grown by the Haida.
Hlk’yaan sgúusadee. Root of hemlock-parsley, conioselinum pacificum (and also refers to stick potatoes or native potatoes).

sguusiid s’aalgee
soup made of soft (rotten) potatoes, ooligan grease and sugar

- with back
’Laa ’laa sgwáasgiidan. He bumped him with his back.

- (v) yell a certain angry interjection when someone says or does something bad
- whistle in someone’s ear (if it whistled in the left it meant bad weather, in the right, good weather)
’La sgwa.adagan. He yelled ’aawaay.

at the back of something; behind something

- from behind something
Kajang Ganaand sgwaagusd.uu tajaal.aa kasa.agaa. It is going to start blowing from behind.

- tall and fat bent-over person; tall and fat hunchbacked person
Hahlgwii ’la sgwaahldaalgang. He is walking this way tall, fat and bent-over.
’La ’i sgwaahljuugang. He is tall and bent-over.

(n) odor

- warm back (in location)
Ka k’iijuudaaltl’a.ahlaasGaa ’la sgwáandaayaan. He warmed his back in the light of the rising sun.

- have back turned on/from someone
Tl’aa.aa ’la sgwaasdlu.uyaagang. He has his back turned toward people.

- (v) turn back on someone
Dii.aa ’la sgwaasdluwagan. He turned his back on me.

(v) repeatedly yell loudly from a distance.

- over the point
Sgwaaygwii ’la kaasgyaan.gan. He took a trail over the point.

sgwaay sk’agad
- (n) backbone, spine
Dii sgwaay sk’agad st’igang. My spine is aching.

from the back
  • sgwahguda
Sgwahgu ’la kadagan. She sliced it from the back.

have been sliced from the back

- at the back; in the back
’La sgwahgúusd ’laa ’la sGasgiidan. He hit him in the back (with a stick or his hand).

from the back of something

- behind something
’La sgwahgwii ’laa ’la xyaagee.eehldagan. He tied his arms behind him.

sgwah sk’awsda
scream; (loon) call

(v) hold in a squeezing grip; squeeze

(n) cockle

- be cockles; be painted with the yin-yang design (this circle containing an s-curve) was a common design on printed material at one time).
’Waa.aa sgyáalaa sgat’iijang. It (eg material) is printed with the yin-yang design.

(n) kestrel; sparrow hawk

- to other side of vertical barrier; through; over; around; across
K’alaaxangeet’alga ’la Ga kaadassgyáan.gan. She jumped over the fence.

- 1-dimensional extended flexible object (ie rope, thread, hair, road, eyebrow, year, winter, summer, story, song, feelings, yesterday, night, day, voice, etc.)
Gangleet’alga ’áad ’la dang sGagadalgan. He stretched the net across the river.
Gaduu kwaayee sGahlalaang. The rope is wrapped around it.
K’iigaang sGasdang yahk’aaGan ’la ’unsiidang. He knows only two myths.
Tada sGasdang ’laak’uhl ’la nuwagiinii. He lived with her for two years.

- (n) spirit, shamanic familiar, shamanic power
- stream of sparks
Ts’aanuwee Gu sGaa.uhldagan. The fire gave off rising sparks.
’A nang Ga.aas sGaagee tlaajgaa ’iw’waanaan. This child’s shamanic power was very strong.

(n) relatively long and thin smooth worm.
  • sGaGa

- be some kind of worm; be wormy; someone/thing have intestinal worms.
’La dal.aa sGa.áagang. He has worms.

- be a shaman; have a spirit, be possessed
’La sGáa.adaan. She had become a shaman.
’Waadluu hit’an ’la sGá’aawaan. Then they became possessed.

- have acquired a spirit; have been possessed; have become a shaman
Nan sGáa.adaa.asan Gaa k’aw.aayaanii. A ’secret society’ man (one who had been possessed) was sitting in there too.

- make possessed (give a spirit to) in the spirit possession ceremonies
Tl’a tlaa’ahl.uu tl’a sGaa.addaayaan. They gave a spirit to ten persons.


sGaa dlasdla
- place a spirit in someone; give a spirit to someone
Ga tsan.angaasgee tl’ee.eega sGaa dlasuweek’yúu tajgwee.eed tl’a tl’u.udagaangaan. The guests, they sat toward the back of the house ready to put spirits into them (this word denotes the placing of a spirit in an initiate by a chief during the spirit possession ceremonies).

- dance the ’welcome’ or ’spirit’ dance
- be a shaman; perform as a shaman; shamanize
Hat’an ’la sGáagaa.idaan. Now he began to perform as a shaman.
Tl’a sGáagaa kawd.uu... After they had performed the ’welcome’ dance for a while...

sGáagaa sGalangée
spirit song
  • sGáa sGalangée

- shamanic ability; shamanic power
Sahgwaa ’laanaa gyaa sGaagageetl’a tlaan Geelaan. The shamanic ability of the one (shaman) upriver, however, was finished.
Tlaga k’al.aad xáadee sGaagagee’isan ’la dla.aangaan. He hired the powers of shamans from other places too.

(n) flicker bird (colaptes auratus)

(n) bee; paper-making wasp
  • sGá.alee

sGaalaak’uu ts’ii
spruce cambium

- have been hidden (in location)
’La sga.aj hlk’a sGáalgaagang. His bald spot has been combed over.

- keep hidden, keep secret
’Angaa ’la Gi sGáalgaadaang. She is keeping it a secret by ignoring it.

- long 1-dimensional extended flexible object
Kaj sGáamsdang Gaa ’la kii.agan. He found two long hairs in it.
SGalaang sGáamkuunaaGaa ’la k’ajuugan. He sang a long song.
’La sk’yaaw ’wii sGáamjuugang. It’s tail is long.

- (n) supernatural power; spirit; shamanic familiar
- spirit whistle (voice of spirit)
- killerwhale (grampus rectipinna)
Suu sGáa.n. Supernatural Halibut ’lit. lake (= sea) spirit’
SGáaneeGahl ’laangaa tl’a naangaan. They played with his spirits.
’Waagyaan kun.gadáa k’a.a sGáa.n k’aw.aayaan. And Laughter spirit was sitting in the corner.

- be some kind of power; spirit, or supernatural being
- be a killerwhale (orca)
Gam ’la sGáanee.eehldiyeeda tl’a gudang.ang’aawaan. They didn’t want to turn them into killerwhales.
Guus sGáanaas dang ’ijaadúu. I wonder what kid of spirit you were.

(v) outdo; overcome; get the better of
  • sGaa.nt’algada
Xyaalgu ’laa ’la sGaa.nt’algadagan. He outdid him at dancing.
Tsii.n ’la hal.ayeegu dii ’la sGaa.nt’algadagan. He outdid me at getting salmon.
(n) medicine or power used in magic.

- be supernatural; have supernatural power; have supernatural connections weed ’iitl’ sGáanuwee.elgang. Truly we are now supernatural.
Ginn sGáanuwaa dii.ii suus’aa. The supernatural being that speaks through me.

- (n) spirit
Ts’aanuu Gud xidgu sGáanuwee. Spirit at the bottom of the fire.

sGaa.n xanggang
- look like a spirit
Tl’a sGaagaa ’iw’waansdluu tl’a sGaa.n xangganggaangaan. If one were a great shaman, he looked like a spirit.

sGaa skuji
shaman’s bone charm

- receipts; proceeds from sale; price
SGaa.u gam Gan dii ’unsad.anggang. I don’t know the price.

sGaa.u gaw
- payment be owed (by someone) (money owed on, or money itself)
- be owed by someone on ’la hlGanggulagan sGaa.u gawgang. I owe money for his working for me.
K’iitleehl kugiinee diigu sGaa.u gawgang. I owe five dollars on the book.

with proceeds from sale of something

(n) a large variety of spring salmon occuring to the south of Haida Gwaii islands.

- screeching sound
Xiwee hing.aan ’waagwii sGaaynaan.gang. The saw is merely screeching on there (instead of cutting).
Kiidee gudgwii xu sGaaynaangang. The trees are groaning, rubbing on each other.

- (n) mandible; lower jaw; gill cover
Tsii.n sGáay. Salmon head removed from fish, with the mandible cut off (lit. salmon jaw, even though the jaw has been in face removed).
Kun sGáay. The lower jaw of a whale (which was a delicacy).

sGáay daawii
yawn with hunger

sGáay Gawíi
- yawn
Nang ’iitl’aagadaas sGáay Gawaayaanii. The chief yawned.

- (v) be hungry for food, nourishing food; be malnourished
’La sGáaylaangaasGahl.uu ’la st’igaalaan. He got sick because he was going without nourishing food.

sGadáal sGalangée
song sung as walk from dressing house to dance house
  • sGat’ sGalangee

- (v) come, go crying after something/someone
’Awandla.a ’la sGahlaang. He is crying after his mother.

(n) yellow cedar tree or wood (chamaecyparis nootkatensis)
  • sGahlanee
SGahláan gi.idee. Yellow cedar cambium.

be yellow cedar in location

  • sGagayee

- (v) hide (from someone); keep secret (from someone)
Tluwee tl’a sGáalaan. They hid the canoe.
Dansdagu ’la sGáalaa? Did she hide it from you?
’Aanáaga ’la sGálsgyaangan. She hid it in the next room.

song, music
  • sGalangee
K’in sGalangee. Summer song.
Xáadas sGaláangaa. Haida music.
Xáad sGaláangaa. Haida song.
Ga taa sGalangee. Song sung as food was served to "potlatch" guests.
Gudaang ’laa sGalangee. Happy song.
Ga daang sGalangee. Song to accompany the destruction of property at a face-saving potlatch.
’Agang tla.áwhlaa sGalangee. Dressing song.
Taan sGalangee. Bear song.
Xyaal sGalangee. Dance song.
Ga ’láadaa sGalangee. Peace-making song, peace song.
Tsan.aang sGalangee. Guest song.
Kíl.isalang sGalangée. Speaking-in-a-trance song. sGalangee. Property song
Gu ’isdaa sGalangee. War song.
Ga hlGak’adáang sGalangée. Shrug-the-shoulders song.

sGaláang k’wa.aydang
pretend to sing

sGalaang xaw’laa
love song
  • sGalaang xaw.ulaa

- (v) hide away quickly
’Waagyaan ’ang ’la sGaladaan. He hid himself quickly.
Naaga ’la sGaladts’agan. He quickly hid it in the house.

- be a composer; be a song; be music
’La sGalangáagaan. She was a composer.
Ginn giidhan ’la kil sGalangáagan. He is claiming that any old thing (that he made up) is a song.

sGal gaw
(v) lose by hiding and forgetting where
  • sGalad gaw

sGal kaayd
sneak away

- keep hidden away
Xáadagee ’an sGalldaa Gujaawaanii. The people all kept themselves hidden.

sGal sguyaandaal
sneak along fast bent over

sGal xasdla
- give secretly
’Aat’ diiga ’la sGal xasdlagan. He gave me a bit of it secretly.

(n) red snapper (sebastodes ruberrimus)

be red snapper in location

sGana sk’asdla
- not want to talk to someone because are angry at; close eyes at someone and turn away angrily gyaans ’la sGana sk’asdlaang. He is mad at me now as usual and won’t talk to me.

sGana sk’asdliyaa
have become angry at someone, not wanting to talk to

- high-pitched scream, siren, screech, yelp
Guus.uu sGáng.aanggang? What is that high-pitched siren?
Gudluu ’la sGáng.ada’wagan. They screamed at the same time.
Ts’aanuwee xal sGáng.idagan. The fire whistled.

(n) a patron spirit associated with a certain bird species, used as food, said to have originated as a psychotic person (apparently a schizophrenic); a type of psychotic person

- have a certain kind of psychosis
’La sGanggwee.eelaan. He became (a certain kind of) psychotic.

sGann gudgang
be jealous of

sGann tlaagang
act jealous of

- (v) be angry at someone/something
’ ’la sGanuwáa jiingaagan. He was angry at him for a long time.

- (v) no longer be sad; cheer up
- all night; all day
Giigang ’agang ’la sGasdlaang. He has stopped being sad.
’La gaw sGasdlaayaan. He was gone all night.
’La st’i sGasdlaayaan. He was sick all night.

- (v) pull hard on something
Kwaayeet’isda tl’a sGasdluwaayaan. They pulled hard on the rope.

- (v) strike, hit, chop, whack with a stick, ax, etc
’Ang ’la sGasgiidan. He happened to chop his foot.

- (v) be cranky; be quick-tempered; have a threatening demeanor; be unhesitating in fighting, be aggressive; be savage
- not want to let go of something; claim someone/something
’Aayaad ’la sGats’aang. He is cranky toward me today.

sGats’a dang k’absgad
- slam (door) out of anger; slam (door) out of crankiness

- own crankiness
SGats’agaangGii ’la Gahgalgang. He is tired of his own crankiness.

- have claimed something; have decided not to let something/someone go
Gaa ’la sGats’a’ilaa gudaang. He wants to have claimed it.

sGats’a maaldaga
crankily talk fast

sGats’a xusda
break because are cranky, angry, etc.

sGats’i dasgiidan
strike out of crankiness

- (n) horse mussel (the shells were used for knives)
- glaring and frowning face
Diigwii ’la ts’a sGáwsiidan. He was frowning and glaring at me.

- (v) pay someone for something
- melt; dissolve; dissappear
’ tl’aa tl’a gin sGáw ’la.aang. They are making people pay tax on it (lit. making people pay for it over again on top of that.
Tangee daal sGáawaan. The salt dissolved when it got wet.

- be regularly paid for to something1 (in the amount of something2)
Nee diiga sGawáagang. I am regularly paid for the house, I am paid rent for the house.

- someone be somewhat sad; someone be somewhat depressed
’La k’aangal sGawayaagang. He is kind of depressed.

- in exchange for something/someone, in payment for something/someone
- taking over from someone
- pass someone in opposite direction
’Laada ’la tla.adaan sGawdga ’laa.isan ’laa da tla.adaan. He too helped him in exchange for his helping him.
Dii sGawdga ’la kaagan. He walked passed me, going the other way.
Gud sGawdga dajangee ’la gut’as’waang. They are wearing each other’s hats.

- ask to be paid for (in direction)
Ts’aanuwee ’la sGáwganaang.ats’agan. He came in to ask to be paid for the firewood.


- (v) cry, weep, or bawl (in direction); howl (in direction)
- cry for something/someone that is absent
- cry with pity for someone; cry with worry over someone
  • sGiihla
Hahlgwaa.isan ’la sGáyhlaayaan. It (wolf) howled again nearby.
Neek’ahlGas ’la sGáyhlagan. She was crying with worry over the house.
’AwangGaa xuud Gaayga ’la sGáyhlaang. He is crying to his mother for some seal fat.
Jaa.ang saliyaa ’la sGiihlaayaan. He cried with sorrow after his wife died.

sGayhla kyaagaang
- (v) cry to someone for help
’Waadluu hit’an xaadangga ’la sGayhla kyaagaang.idaan. Then she began to cry to her father for help.

- look like someone was crying; someone look very sad
’La xanggu sGayhliyaagang. It looks like she was crying.

- (v) be red; be brown
- strand of red wool
’La tlaa.l sGid gyuu.adiyaayaan. Her husband wore strands of red wool in his ears.
Kaw sGid. Brown (chicken) eggs.
Kigwee sGidahldaang. The basket is turning brown.
K’aawee sGidahldaayaan. The dried herring roe turned brown (ie it spoiled).

(n) ancient murrelet

be ancient murrelets in nesting location

sGidáng Gáng.aalaa
(n) salmonberry blossom

sGid gijáaw
red hudson’s bay blanket

sGid Gasdla
be a red sky at sunrise (when this color lasts only a little while, it is a sign of a coming SE wind; if it lasts quite a while, it is a sign of good weather)

(n) red huckleberry
  • sGidluwee

be red huckleberries in location

sGid xaadaal
red osier dogwood
  • sGid xaadalee

- red ochre (this used to be prepared for painting hats and carvings; when gathered, it consisted of black rocks but after these were heated red-hot and cooled, they were a wine color.)
- giant red chiton
  • sGiidee

- be red-hot
Kwa.a sGíihldajaa ’la stlaay ’inggu ’la ts’a k’iihlanaagaan. He put a red-hot rock on her hand with a pair of tongs.

- be a flash of lightning
SGk’asdaayaan. There was a flash of lightning.

(n) white-winged scoter (m. deglandi)

(n) green algae species (enteromorpha intestinalis, ulva lactuca, other species)

- be green algae in location
- have green algae
- be green in color
  • sGinawaa
- to one side of something (ie town)
’Lanngee xuud xunanee xiilaayaan. There was a seal cave to one side of the town.

sGi tsasda
sky be briefly red in the morning

seaweed species (red laver)
  • sGíiwee

- be seaweed time
SGíiwaagang. It is seaweed time.

- (v) be stingy (toward someone/something); be a cheapskate (toward someone/something)
Gidanggahan ’la sGíwdagaganggang. He is always stingy even toward his son.

sGiw tlaast’a
(v) let something go reluctantly

sGiw tl’ang.andaa
seaweed (laver) dried in a flat cake for storage in a box.

right; right-hand (human hand only)

- on the right; from the right
’La stlaay sGullgúusd ’laanaa st’igang. Her right hand is hurting.
Dii k’uluu sGullgúusda st’igang. My right leg hurts.
SGullgúusda stl’áan.gwii Gadaang ’la da k’iijúulaanggan. He kept turning it around counterclockwise.

- to the right; to the right (side) of something
SGullgwíi stl’áan.guusda Gadaang ’la da k’iijúulaanggan. He rotated it once clockwise.

(n) foam; bubble; froth

- have foam, bubbles, froth on; be foamy; be some kind of foam, bubbles, froth
- be white
’La k’al sGuluwáa skaajuugang. Her (short fat person) skin is white.
Yaanee sGuluwáa tii7aawgang. The clouds are cumulus clouds.

- only; alone; by self; no more than
’Laa’ ’adáahl sGún.aan ’isgwaangaa? Was he too going around by himself yesterday?
GunaansGú tl’a ’waadluwaan ’ijaa? Were they all naked (lit only naked)?
Giisdluu sGún.uu dangga Hl ’isdaa.asaang? How much exactly (no more than) shall I give you?
’InuweesGún diiga giidaganii. She only gave me half of it.

- (v) be milky; be milky in the water
K’aawee sGúnggaang. The herring eggs are milky in the water.

- be milky
Gat’an sGunggee.eelaanii. The bilge water became milky.

sGunggaa.aa damdala
be milky and opaque

(n) sockeye salmon

be sockeye in location

(n) brother in law; sister in law

be brother/sister-in-law

have for brother(s)-in-law, sister(s)-in-law

address as sGwaanaay brother-in-law, sister-in-law

- be one; be the only one of that kind; be alone
- belong to one subclan together with someone
- one (1); the one; one of; only; the other (one), another one
- once
’Aajii Gudee ts’asGwáansanggang. This box is the only one.
Bill sGwáansanggan. Bill was alone.
Gud’ahl ’la sGwáansang’waang. They belong to the same subclan.
Sguusiid skaasGwáansang ’la taagan. She ate one potatoe.
’Aa.uu tlaan nee tiisGwáansang ’waagu ’ijaanii. Only the house was there.

- be unable to handle (someone/something) alone, be unable to do it single handedly
Taawee ’waadluuwaanGaa dii sGwáansaang.iidang. I can’t eat all the food by myself.

- alone out of family or clan
’La sGwaansanggu naagaangaan. He used to live there alone.

- singlehandedly, alone
SGwaansaangguhlaang Gii ’la hlGanggulaang. He is working on it alone (lit. singlehandedly).
SGwaansaangguhlaang ’la xaw’in.gan. He went out fishing alone (lit. he singlehandedly went out fishing).

- large salmonberry
Sk’aw.aan ’la s’ib.aats’agan. He swallowed a large salmonberry.

- fat person
’La Gaayaa s’ihljuugang. He is fat.

- large collection of identical small objects
- (n) Hecate Strait; any fairly wide stretch of sea between two land bodies or shores; strait; wide inlet
- the area or part at location, the one(s) at location
K’yee ’la tl’ii síits’alanggan. She sewed the edge with tiny stitches.
Tl’a Ga.aa síidalaa xawjaanggang. Lots of small children are running around.
’Waadluu síigee yahgu taajáa ’iitl’ Gilgan. The we reached the middle of the strait.
KiideeGaduusíi tlagee ’la tla skun.agan. He cleaned the ground around the tree.

(n) tissue protruding from a wound

have tissue protruding from a wound

- (v) be spread out, apart, open
- keep something spread apart, open
- have mouth open
  • sasdla
Hlangaan Gaa ’laa kaasasdlaayaan. His (sheet of copper) spread out a bit (from pounding).
Saasii.aa kaasíidang. The top part (of the sea anemone) is open.
XahlaangGaa ’la gi tl’uusíidang. He is keeping his big mouth open.
Gam k’usasdla.ang. Don’t say anything. Keep quiet.
’La Gwiisíidang. His eyes are open.

(n) border around a button blanket, edge of mat, edge of cloth goods

(n) second-year sea-run coho salmon
  • siiduwee

- up; high; upstairs; into the sky, air
Síiga ’la k’a.aat’ahlaganii. He threw it up in the air.
Síiga ’la kinhlagan. She was looking up.

- have a stretch of sea
Gwaayee Gáadsii síigaagang. The area between the islands is sea, ie it never dries up.

from out on Hecate Strait

- out on Hecate Strait
Síi.isgu Gagwii ginn hlgijuutl’a.aas ’la keengaan. He saw something big sticking out far out on Hecate Strait.

around on Hecate Strait

- to out on Hecate Strait
Sii.isgwii dang.ahl ’la xidsaayaan. He flew them out over Hecate Strait.

(v) be bowman in a war canoe
(n) nail, spike (original was a wooden, possibly a dried blueberry branch, pin)
  • si.inee

- (v) go to a doing at another village
Tl’a síinaagaan. They went to a doing at another village.
T’aagwii tl’a síinaagaan. They went to a doing in Vancouver.

(n) sandlance; needlefish (ammodytes hexapterus)
  • s’iinangee

- a short distance upward
Síinanhl ’isdaa. Put it up a bit from where it was (not above the addressee), Raise it up a bit.

si.ín daanst’aawee
nail puller; wrecking bar

- (v) shoot out
Kwah siisdaaGiisda ’laangaa siisdagan. Its breath shot out of its blowhole.

- any small 3-dimensional object
- high pitched laughter, giggle
Nee ’laa xu skáa.idagan. His little house was shaking in the wind.
Hillda.aang ’la skáa.aats’agan. He swallowed a strawberry.
Kawgingaan Gi skáajuugang. It is round (and smooth) like an egg (applied to nice-looking rowboat).
’ ’la skáa.ahlwagan. She giggled at him.

with anger

be a certain-sized

- Shorty
Skaagaas, Hl gawtl’a.a sGwaanansdluu daatl’a kaagagaa. Shorty, If I fail to show up for a long time, you go in the water.

- (v) repeatedly hiccup (to someone)
Diiga ’la skáak’adaanggan. She hiccuped ’to me’.
Nang ts’uujuus skáak’adaanggang. The baby is hiccuping.

skáak’adaangaa skyaahl
- repeatedly hiccup as a sign of coming good luck
Dii skáak’adaangaa skyaalgang. I keep hiccuping which is a sign of good luck.

skahl guda
be poor shot; be inaccurate

(n) anger

- (v) be a good shot; be accurate
XuudGan ’la skalaang. He is a good shot for seal.

- (v) shoot for practice, for fun; practice shooting
Kalgaga ’la skaláng.aanggan. He was shooting for practice at bottles.

- to make people angry, trying to anger
Skaldagu ’la saaw’ahl? I wonder if he said it to make me angry?
Skald.uu ’la ’waagang. He is doing it to make you (or me or people, etc) angry.

- small spherical or hemispherical object; fat and pretty child
Kayhlaa skámjuu. Small bowl.
K’ay skámdalaa. Small apples.

- (n) with suckers (ie octopus, squid)
Sk’aangweesda ’ang skán jiyy’aawgan. It (octopus) hung from the stick by its suckers.

- with suckers
Nuwee ga ’agang skánda jasgiidan. The devilfish clung to it with its suckers.
K’amalee ’ang skánda Gats’agan. The razor clam pulled itself down fast. (this sentence also usable for an octopus pulling itself into a hole).

(n) sucker of octopus, squid

(n) siphon of bivalve; sucker of octopus

have a siphon

skants’alaang ginngaada
- visit a mealtimes due to laziness
’Iitl’ ’la skants’alaang ginngaadaang. He always comes to us at mealtimes because he is too lazy to do anything for himself.

- (v) peck; pecking
HlGwaay ginn skajaan.gyaan... The heron pecked something and...
Tsaay ’la skas.aalaanii ’la ta ts’asdlaasii. He pecked a hole in the (box of) salmon eggs and ate the whole thing.

unidentified univalve, probably periwinkle

- 2-dimensional round object or 3-dimensional spherical object, from half an inch to one foot in diameter; hemispherical bowl; very fat girl
- small popping sound of fisheggs
- (n) whorled univalve shell (with or without animal)
- (n) screw; bolt; threaded lid
Xannjaang.u skáyjuu ’la gya.andaang. She is using a round mirror.
Huu basketball skáy.udaang. A basketball is lying there.
Gyaangan st’aa sk’agee skáy.ilgang. My shoe sole has developed a small round hole.
Gadaang skáy.unanggang. It (mixmaster bowl, pottery wheel) is rotating, It (ball) is spinning.
Skáyee ’waa.aa ’la Gwiihlgalgan. She screwed the lid on (the jar, bottle).

be whorled; be threaded

- turn
’Waasd ’la skayaada Gasdlagan. He opened it (container with threaded lid).

have threads, be threaded

(n) lingcod
  • skáynaan.gee

- cheeping sound; small high-pitched sound
- small and skinny child
- steaming
’La ’i skijuuga. He is small and skinny.
Skaw giid’ii skidagaang. The chicks are cheeping.

- warm (anything) beside the fire (for dried or half-dried fish, this is done by wetting the flesh side (not the skin side) and placing it with the flesh facing the fire; the flesh side is warmed before the skin side is toasted as in barbecuing); bake (ie bread) beside the fire
St’aang ’la skidaang. He is warming his feet by the fire.

- present with an omen of wealth (the omen was always a rare encounter, either with an abnormal or strange entity or with the wealth spirit herself. Eg, finding a hummingbird’s nest or having an owl land on one’s head were so considered).
Dii ga skihldaa’ahlanggang. I must be getting an omen of wealth.

skihl guda
be unlucky

- (n) misty rain
- steam
- smoke
Skíigee ’waasda ’la ka hlgijuudagan. She let a lot of steam escape from there.
Skíi guwaang. A misty rain is falling.

- be cured with smoke; smoke
Xagwee hawaan skii.aang. The halibut is still smoking.
Ts’aljee skii.a dee.eedan. The fillets finished smoking quickly.

- float around in the air; be dispersed in the air
- be smoked (ie food)
’Ang ’la gi.idaas ’laasda Gandlee skiigaagan. When it (dog) shook itself, the water went all over.

- cure with smoke, smoke
- rise in a cloud; splash up; make rise up in a cloud; make splash up
K’aad k’al Hl skíi.idaang. I am smoking a deer hide.
Xagu kwaan ’la skíi.idagan. She smoked lots of halibut.
Ta skíi.ida. Run smokehouse. Cure things with smoke.

skii sguna
smell smoky

- (n) good fortune; the acquisition of wealth
- small image of the female Wealth spirit (that is, small copper figures of the wealth spirits, were called skil and used as good luck charms)
Skil kwiitl’aas. Wealth spirit running out of the woods.
Skil kii.aas. [One] who found the wealth spirit.

skil jaadee
wealth spirits; wealth woman, the spirit that is an embodied omen of good fortune.

wealthy person (used only in songs)


- (v) wake up (to something/someone); wake up
Gudluu t’alang skín.anggan. We woke up at the same time.
’Laa Hl tla skín.agan. I woke him up (by making noise, by touching him, etc).

- habitually awake early; be an early riser; get up early
’Aayaad Hl skinngagan. I got early this morning.

- (v) be wide awake
Dii skinnga’ilgang. I am wide awake now.

- (v) stay awake at night to watch someone (refers to a dead body during a funeral wake, or to a person who is dying)
’La skaa.nlang ’laa.aa skinwaayaan. His aunties stayed up with his body.

skis kaa hlgisda
be a short heavy shower; be a short misty rain

- (v) steam come from something; something steam
SguusadeeGiisda skist’aang. The potatoes are steaming.

(n) bone
  • skujee
Ki sGat’iisguGan skuj ’la tla.áwhlagan. He made a woof (weft) pusher (for weaving) from bone.
’La skuj sGun kagan.gang. He is emaciated (lit. only his bones remain).

- be bone; be made of bone; have bones; be woody
- be surprised; be surprised very much
Diigu skujaa’us? I’m real suprised (lit. I have bones, don’t I).
Gam.uu dii ’la kil skujaa.anggan. He really surprised me with what he said (lit. He made me boneless).
Diigu tl’a kil skujaa’us? They really surprised me with what they said (a rhetorical question).
Diigu ga kil skujaa’u? I’m surprised at what something (spirit) told me (a rhetorical question).

skuj gyee
(n) marrow (bone)

skuj hlGa tl’uu
warclub with antler head

skuj kiihlaa
carved dish of mountain sheep horn

skuj tl’ajuwee
pelvic bone, pelvis

- kissing
’La xang ’laa ’la skún k’iilaagadanggan. He kissed her face all over.
’Laa ’la skúntl’agan. He kissed her.

- (v) be clean, clean, work at cleaning
- be unsullied by sex with someone
- clean off from something
Yaanee skún.a Gusdlaang. The sky is real clear.
Xannjaangwee ’la tla skún.agahl dee.eedan. She cleaned the windows quickly.
K’al ’la tla skún.agahl’aawaan. They cleaned off the bark (from log).

- keep clean
- keep away from someone, keep self unsullied by sex with someone
Naasii ’la skun.adaang. He is keeping the house clean.
’Laasda ’agang Hl skun.adaang. I’m keeping away from him (bad person).

have been cleaned; have been cleaned up
  • skún.agalaa


- (n) supporting frame
- remains of a stick of devilsclub after the bark has been chewed off
’Waagyaan ’waa dáaliigu nee skusál ’laa tl’a tla.áwhlaayaanii. Then the next day they built his house frame.
’Waagyaan skusál hat’an ’la hlGayjgusdlaayaan. And then he bundled up the remains of the devilsclub sticks.

- (v) be lucky (luck was due to supernatural assistance, which could be achieved by observing taboos and by waiting a certain number of days, ie 10, between hunting trips. It could also be achieved by an encounter with the wealth spirit or certain other manifestations).
T’aawal skyaahl diiga ’la hlgasdlagan. He gave me a lucky fishhook.

- (v) be awake (watching something); stay awake (watching something); stay awake to keep watch
Gaal sGask’u ’la ’awwlang ’laa.aa skyáanaayaan. His parents stayed awake all night watching him.

habitually stay awake; be an insomniac
  • skyaaniya

- (n) human shoulder
- collarbone of halibut only
- in outstretched arm(s); in garment held outstretched with arm
- on shoulder, with shoulder
Skyúwanggwii gisaa.u ’la k’a.aat’agan. He threw a towel over his shoulder.
Kyaaga gya.ansk’u ’la skyúu daang’waagan. He threw armloads of clothes outside.
K’yuweega ’la skyúut’i.iidan. He began to push against the door with his shoulder (trying to open it).

- (n) whale shoulder
’Waagyaan kunee skyuudii ’inuweeGahl ’laaga ’la gyaa dahgaanii. Then he sold her one shoulder of the whale.

- clean (gut)
’La jaa skyuust’a Gujuuganii. He wife cleaned them all (halibut).

- over own shoulder
Skyuut’algaang sk’aangwee ’la sk’aganggang. He is holding the stick over his shoulder.

- 1-dimensional extended cylindrical object (solid or hollow); person with slender figure
- small popping sound, as of fish eggs
- with a cup
- thick and stiff flexible object (rope, leather, bark, skin)
Gandl ’la sk’a.aydan. He dipped up a cup of water.
Kwaayee sk’ats’aang. The heavy rope is stiff.
K’aawee ’la k’u sk’at’uugaang. He is popping the herring roe, chewing it.
T’aangalang ’la gi sk’ajuutl’a.agan. He stuck out his tongue.
’La xu sk’asdagan. He gave a whistle.
’Laat’aahl ’la sk’u sk’awahldagan. He hugged her tightly with one arm.

(n) black-footed albatross

- boiling
Sk’alldiyee gaw’iihlsdluu... When the boiling subsided...

- tall and narrow cylindrical object (solid or hollow); child with small narrow face
- loud high-pitched voice; loud cracking sound
Jagu sk’aamdahls Hl gudanggan. I heard the crack of a rifle.
’La sk’aam.ahlaanggan. She gave a high-pitched scream.

(n) any starfish species; cross (the traditional starfish crest design resembled a cross)

be some kind of cross; be signed with an x (a document, letter, contract, etc.)

sk’a.ám stla k’ang.ii kwaan
sunflower starfish
  • sk’a.ám ’i hlt’ahldalaa

(n) wild lily-of-the-valley plant or leaf
  • sk’aangadee

(n) collection of pots and pans (new or old)

- be placid, good, not a crybaby
- someone be serene; someone be tranquil; someone be untroubled
- appear to be sober
- stop from crying; make feel better (mentally) by doing something
  • sk’áawalagahl
Weed ’la gudangee sk’áawalagalgang. She is tranquil now.
Ginn dii tl’a xutl’adagank’yaan dii sk’áawalaang. They gave me something to drink, but I seem to be sober.
’Laa ’la kil sk’áawalagan. She made him stop crying.
Kyaaga ’ang ’la ka sk’áawala’waagan. He made himself feel better by going outside.

- (v) have ridges, be ridged
Giyaangwee sk’áawsulgaa Gawaa. The cordory cloth (lit. the cloth having furry ridges).

- (n) young individuals of pacific cod (young cod can be caught right off shore. Codfish seem to breed in the waters of Masset Inlet.)
- large dish made from a dug-out log, used at feasts for serving sea mammal meat (is about six to eight feet long, with a head carved at one end, a tail and pair of swimming feet at the other, the whole being supposed to represent a sea lion. Also this same dish has been used as a canoe for small children.)

(n) dog salmon (chum salmon)
  • sk’aga
  • sk’agee

be dog salmon in location; be a Hudson’s Bay Co. trade blanket with colored stripes (so called because old dog salmon develop colored stripes.)

- (v) be pallbearer for
’La sk’agángeeGaa tl’aa tl’a xaldaanggan. They hired them to be pall-bearers for him.

- wrinkled object or person
- chewing; yakking
K’ay diiga ’la sk’álsdlagan. He gave me a wrinkled apple.
’La sk’álsaanggang. He (old and wrinkled) is coughing.
Gya.ahlangee ’waaga ’la sk’ál xasgiidan. He embellished the story.
K’aadee k’al ’la sk’ál hltan.agan. She softened the deer skin by chewing it.
Diiga ’la skál xat’uugagan. He lied to me.

(v) have diarrhea

- (n) wooden box used for boiling food with hot stones
SdaaguhlaangGahl.uu sk’alganee ’la saldaayaan. He borrowed a boiling box from his partner.

- (n) wrinkle
Sk’álj sGaa.n hin.uu ’la kya.agaan. He was called Wrinkle Spirit.

- be wrinkled
Gudwaalan ’la sk’ál-l-jaagang. He is just a bit wrinkled.

- (v) boil; ferment; foam up
- something (stomach) growl, rumble from hunger
Jiingaa sguusadee sk’alldagan. The potatoes boiled for a long time.
Dii dal.aa sk’alldaang. My stomach is growling.

- boil
K’asgiid sdang ’la sk’alldadagan. He boiled it for two hours.

have been boiled

- (n) rough outer part of bark of young cedar
Gi.idee sk’ál.uj ’waasda ’la k’i daanggan. She cut off the outer part of the cedar bark.

(n) diarrhea
  • sk’al.uwee
Sk’al.úu ’laaga Gad’uwaang. He was hit by diarrhea.

diarrhea (the condition)
  • sk’al.aaw
Sk’al.úuga ’ Gad’wagan. He got hit by diarrhea.

have diarrhea all the time

(n) lower back, sacral and lumbar regions

(v) be virgin; be young (woman only)

(n) jelly-like cartilage in head of salmon and probably other fishes

sk’an skuj
(n) lower back, sacral and lumbar regions; lower spine
  • sk’ants’al

(v) rapping with knuckle
  • sk’a
Xannjaangwee ’la sk’adagagan. He rapped on the window with his knuckles.

(v) appear

- have appeared
’La daGangayee sk’asdlaa.atl’a.agan. His baldness showed up (in what he did).

- (v) be narrow and close together
Luwee sk’aw.aang. The waves are close together.

- (v) be a narrow channel, slough or inlet
Huu sk’ayaants’aang. There is a narrow channel there.

- (n) narrow channel, slough, inlet
’La kaakawd sk’ayaangGan ’la kaatl’a.agaan. After he had walked a while, he came to a narrow channel.

(n) robin
  • sk’ayuwee

- speak with laryngitis (or a condition resulting in a similar effect)
’La sk’íihlt’uugagwaanggang. He is going around talking with laryngitis.

(n) salal leaf

have salal plants

be rough; be chapped

- have bow point in direction (boat or occupants)
- be in bow
Didgaang sk’íiwaagang. They bow is pointing to shore.

(n) sandpaper
  • sk’íinee

- sand (make smooth)
Ta sk’índa. Sand something.

have been sanded

- (v) be revolted by someone/something; find someone/something disgusting, revolting, find the idea of disgusting; want to avoid contact with something/someone
XaayGaa tlaagageega ’la sk’ínggaanggan. She was revolted by the idea of touching the dog.

be habitually revolted by things; be squeamish

something be revolting, disgusting; the idea of it be revolting.

- (v) be full (of something, ie food); be satisfied (with something)
Gaawaan dii sk’isdla.anggang. I am still not satisfied.

have become full of something, have become satisfied with something (ie food).
  • sk’isuwaa

- (n) incoming tide at shoreline; beach covered by incoming tide; hide tide
- one whole, one complete; be whole
  • sk’wah
Sk’u Gaswaansangguud. During one incoming tide (six hours).
’Laanaa Gask’u.uu hiilaawaan. A whole town was destroyed.
’Aa.uu kiihlgaa Gask’uGaa dah ’iijang. Here is a whole bowl of cranberries (lit. cranberries in a whole bowl).
Skaask’u.uu ’la taagan. He ate the whole thing.
Huu k’asgad sk’ask’u’ilgang. An hour has passed, A whole hour has passed.

- (v) be plugged
- patch; plug; fill (in)
- cover with mats, etc. to protect from sun
’Aajii ’áadeehl tla sk’ud. Mend this net.
Xiilayee ’la hlGi k’ask’udaan. He filled in the hole in the ground.

have been patched, plugged, covered with mats, etc

have gotten plugged

- (v) be watertight; be waterproof
- make so as to be watertight; waterproof, make watertight; plug holes in
K’úudaats’ sk’úuhl ’la gya.andaang. She is wearing a waterproof coat.
St’aa sk’agee ’angaa ’la tla sk’úuhlgalgan. He waterproofed his boots.

- (v) be a crowd
- move in a crowd in direction; come, go in direction in a crowd; crowd in direction tl’a sk’úulaayaan. They were a large crowd.
Tluu sk’úulatl’a.ahla ’iw’waanaan ’la keengaan. He saw that a big crowd of canoes had arrived from down inlet.
’ sk’úulaang. There is a crowd with her.

public; crowd
  • sk’uulayee

in public
  • sk’uulayeeGaa

- be a crowd with someone
’ sk’úulayaagang. There is a crowd with her.

- (v) be whole
Gam nee tii sk’wa.anggang. The house is not complete.

- tide rise into someone’s house
’Iitl’.ii sk’wa.aydan. The tide rose into our house.

- be slack high water
Sk’wáagee.eehlsk’yaahl ’la gii gidaalgahl’wagaangaan. As the tide came in, they floated with it up (to the town).
’Laasa.a sk’wáagee.elganggang. Hide tide always goes over it (a rock).

sk’waas gyaa.ugu
at the water’s edge
  • sk’waas já
Sk’ gyaa.usii taajaagang. The beach at the water’s edge is sandy.

- take one classifier unit of
Kígs ’la k’iisk’wadagan. He took a whole cake.

high water come, go up far (in location)

(n) eyebrow

sk’yaaj dang gadaawee
(n) eyebrow tweezers

although; though; despite
  • k’yáan
Gam ’la st’i.ansk’yáan ’la k’ut’aalaan. He died although he was not sick.
’Ang dang sGaladsk’yáan dang Hl kii.aa.asaang. I’ll find you, although you hide yourself.

- (n) tail; coccyx
- root of sword fern, spiney wood fern (dryopteris species)
  • sk’yáa.u

- have a tail
- be a go-between for someone (a man) and his sweetheart

- (v) hat (bird egg or young bird)
Skawee giid’ii skaanggagan. The chicks hatched.
Kawee skaanggagan. The eggs hatched.

(n) one's paternal aunt (father's sister)

to be a paternal aunt (father's sister) (to X)

to have as one's paternal aunt (father's sister)

be threadbare

- (v) take by right (ie food gathered by a man)
Xagu ’iw’waan ’la skaasalaa.asagan. She went down to the beach to get a big halibut from her brother’s son (or mother’s brother’s son, etc).

skahl Gagaa
(n) sailor collar

(n) shoulder

skál gud’áang
have left shoulder twitch (a sign of impending misfortune, usually taken to be a death among one’s close relatives)

- (n) trap of virtually any kind (including deadfalls but excluding snares)
Skammee jatlaa’ahl ’la keengaanii. He saw ten of the deadfalls.

set trap(s); make or set deadfalls(s)

- (n) blue grouse; domestic chicken
- horse clam; gaper (schizothaerus capax, s. nuttalli)
  • skawee

be some kind of chicken

- play a certain game (the players, except for one, made a line by holding each other around the waist. This line would run around fast, and the remaining free player would try to catch the last in line. If he succeeded, the person caught left the game and the free player would try to catch the next person, and so on.)
Ga.agee ’ang skawaadaang. The children are playing chicken.

(n) blackcod (sablefish)
  • skiilee

pushing with outstretched arm; hitting, punching with fist or outfacing palm of hand.
  • sku
Tl’a ’waadluwaan sdagaang ’la skudaanggan. He shoved everyone away from himself.
SGidlúu ’la sku tiya.adaan. She picked lots of red huckleberries by raking them with her hand.
’La skut’agunggan. He was flailing his arms around, trying to hit something.

- (v) hit with fist (in something = part); punch; box
Nang ’iihlangaas ’aajii skudaanggaangaan. The man kept on beating this (box) with his fist.
Gud tl’a skudaanggan. They were boxing.

(n) harbor porpoise
  • skuulee
  • skul ginaa giis

skul k’al st’aa sk’agáa
(n) rubber boot

sku tl’ats’gahl
make be tough by kneading

sku xilgahl
make be dry by kneading

- 1-dimensional extended straight and rigid object; skinny person
- article of clothing fitting skinny person
- fast
- with a stick or a spoon; gambling stick
Sguusadee ’la sk’a.adiigan. She divided the mashed potatoes in two portions with a stick.
Hawaan xagutl’adeeGaa ’la sk’at’iijang. She is still beating the soapberries (with a stick or spoon).
T’ask’ee ’aa ’la sk’a.áydaan. She picked up her cane.
K’yuu diigwii kwah sk’asdagan. A clam squirted on me.
’Aadlan kwah sk’agasdlaang. There is a fast current here now.

(n) everygreen needle, except cedar, cypress or junipers.
  • sk’a’aay

- (v) withhold someone/something (from someone) out of bad feelings; refuse to S out of bad feeling
Gahlaang ’la sk’áadaang. She is withholding her help (because she is angry, etc.).
Ga tageeGahl ’la sk’áadaang. She is refusing to eat.

habitually withhold anything out of bad feeling
  • sk’aadaya

- long 1-dimensional extended rigid object; tall and skinny person
Xaay’u sk’aamdalaa ’la gya.andaang. She is using long knitting needles.

- (v) gather seafood (= something) that has washed up
Sgyaalga ’la sk’a.anda ’in.gan. He left to gather cockles that washed up.

- (v) drift ashore
K’amalee sk’a.ang ’awyaagang. Lots of razor clams are drifting ashore.

(n) stick; wooden rod; pole (ie telephone pole); staff; splinter; peg
  • sk’áangwee
Giyaang.u nagee sk’áangwee gawgang. The tent’s pole is missing.
Giyaang’u sk’áangwee. Mast.
Xaaw sk’áangwee. Fishing rod.
Ga sGagaang sk’áangwee.  Song leader’s stick (a clapper made from an oar, for example)
Ga sGagaang sk’áangweeda. Carry a song leader’s stick.
Ki skaa.unaang sk’áangwee. Pool cue.
Ts’uuts’a sk’áangwee. Short stick for drying fish.
Gii.aaw sk’áangwee. Horizontal poles making up frame of large fish-trap.

- take away (in direction)
Gidaang ’la sk’aast’agan. She took back her child (that she had let someone adopt)
Diidga xaay ’la sk’aast’agalgan. He took back the dog.

- keep out of hand of others
’Laa ’la sk’aast’ayaagang. He is keeping him out of the hands of others.

- (v) have nothing and wish for things
’La sk’áayaangaaga Hl k’anggiinii. I used to be kind to her when she was poor and hungry.

- (v) recognize someone (by something, ie garment) (on someone)
Kye.eeGahl gid.alang tl’a sk’adaan. They recognized their children by the names.

- (v) learn (from someone/something); practice; memorize (from someone/something)
Dajangee ’la sk’ad’aayaan. She learned how to make the hats.
’Aajii sGalangee sk’ad’ayee ’yaangalaang. It is easy to learn this song.
Hawaan xyaalgee tl’a t’a sk’ad’aang. They are still practicing the dance.

teach (about); personally impart knowledge

- have been taught (about object)
Liidadayee ’la sk’adadayaagang. She has been taught to read.

be a fast learner; be smart; be intelligent

sk’ad dlasdlu.uyáa
be unpredictable

- be marked for recognition; be labeled for recognition; have been marked so as to recognizable
- mark to make recognizable
K’úudaats’ee sk’adgáagang. The coat is labeled for recognition.

- have marked for recognition; have labeled for recognition; keep track of as a mark; reference point
Jiingaa ’angaa ’la sk’adgáadagan. She had hers marked for a long time.
’Waagyaan sGwaansang.uu ’aajii k’a.áyhlt’ee, sdaa.a ’iw’waandaa sGwaan sk’adgáadaayaan. One of them kept track of one of these big stars as a reference point.

- badge; buoy; uniform; identifying clothing; identifying mark; sign
Gamgu sk’adgáawee dang king’aangaa? Didn’t you see the sign?
Sk’adgáa.u ’waaga ’la jat’wa Gasgiidan. He nailed a sign on there.

wear a badge

- (v) be kind of rough as a result of tide (waves)
- roughen up the water in direction (wind)
Gaayuu sk’agang tlaagu ’la kaatl’a.agan. He came out of the woods at a place where the waves were kind of rough.
Tajaaw.uu ’a ’laa.aa sk’agandaalaan. It was a wind coming toward him over the water from far away.

- be some kind of fish; be some kind of sea animal that swims
’Waadluu ginn sk’ahlangáa ’iw’waandaa ’la tiyayeeda gudanggaangaan, kun ’isgyaan nuu’isan, k’aal’isan, Gasangng’isan, tsa.aniid ’la kaasdluu’aa. Then big ’fish’ wanted to kill him, whales and octopi, sculpins too, blennies too, when he walked underwater.

(n) fish, including cetaceans; covers only non-anadromous fish.

- (v) stick nose out to breathe
Xuudee sk’ahlda ’anjuutl’a.aasii tl’a kinggaangaan. They kept on seeing a seal sticking its head out to breathe.

- splash of liquid
’Waagwii Gandl ’la xa sk’ál.usdagan. She splashed a handful of water on there.

have been unlocked, turned on
  • sk’asuwaa

- (v) unlock; turn on
K’yuwee ’la sk’asdlagan. She unlocked the door.

(n) salmonberry bush

- tall and skinny child
- scream or call of loon
’La ’i sk’awjuugang. He is tall and skinny.
Tadla sk’awsdagan. A loon screamed.

be salmonberry bushes in location; have salmonberry bushes; be a salmonberry bush

sk’áw.aan gíid’ii
(n) domestic raspberry

sk’aw stlii.n
salmonberry thorn

- large filthy object or person
’La ’i sk’eehljuugang. He is a big dirty thing.

- filthy object, material, person
Gandl ’waa.aa sk’ihlganggang. There is dirty water in there.

- be grimy; be dirty; be dusty; be jealous
’ ’la gudangee sk’íilaagang. He is jealous of him.

- have bow point in direction
- say bad things about someone behind their back; backbite someone/something
- really bite (ie fish)
Didgaang sk’iiwaagang. The bow is pointing to shore. ’la sk’iiwaagaa.ang tl’a suugan. They said he had said bad things about me behind my back.
’Adáahl ’iitl’aan taa.unee sk’iiwaagan. The spring salmon were really biting for us yesterday.

(n) grime; adhering dust or dirt
  • sk’ii.l

(n) gull species (larus species)
  • sk’iinee

- at the bow side (aboard vessel); from the bow side (aboard vessel); from the start
- at the side of something nearest the bow (aboard vessel); from the side of something nearest the bow (aboard vessel)
Sk’ingnggúusda ’la ts’aanggang. He is sitting at the bow.

- at the bow (aboard vessel)
Sk’ingnggwáahl kaadlii. Get aboard at the bow.

- to the bow (aboard vessel)
’Laa.isan sk’ingnggwíi kaat’ajaan. He too went to the bow.

- (n) whisker (human or animal), facial hair; beard; mustache
- bow (of boat)
’Waagyaan dlakidi.iihl ’iw’waanaaniigyaan sk’íwee.eelaanii. They had grown very big and had wiskers.

- to the bow (of something), at the bow (of something)
Sk’íw.aa ’la ’iijang. He is at the bow.

- be quarrelsome, be a shrew (woman only)
’La jaa sk’iwwgaang. His wife was quarrelsome.

at the bow (of something)
  • sk’íwguusda

near the bow (of something)

    to the bow (of something)
    • sk’íw.ii

      sk’iw.ii k’ayaang
      any beard that hangs below the chin; goatee

      from the bow (of something)

      - bow first
      Sk’iw.uhláang ’la kunts’agalgan. He landed bow first.

      - (n) armpit
      - using the space between one’s arm and one’s torso
      • sk’u
      Ginggaang ’la sk’u dlat’as’waang. They have their arms around each others backs, shoulders.
      Dii.ii ’la sk’udiijan. He linked arms with me.
      ’La sk’ud.iidan. He put them under his arm and took off with them.
      ’La sk’ud.ulaang She is fun to hug.

      suit vest; waistcoat; brassiere

      sku tl’a.aasa
      - (v) make into loaf and put in oven to bake (baking powder bread only)
      Sablii ‘la sku tl’a.aasagan. She made the (baking powder) bread into a loaf and put it in the oven.

      sk’yuuGang GaGwaay’u
      (n) razor

      - fast
      Tlaanhl smáaldagaa. Stop talking fast.

      - small child
      Hawaan ’la tii smah.udaang. The little one is still in bed.
      Smahjiiwee. Little One (nickname).
      Hahlgwii ’la smahyaandaalgang. The little one is running this way.

      - short object extended in 1-dimension
      Kwaa.i diiga ’la smálsdlagan. She handed me a short piece of rope.
      Sk’aang.u smáljuuga ’la di.inggang. He is looking for a short stick.
      ’Aasdluu ’la ts’uu.ii smálgaagang. This is how short he is.

      - (v) tie together to make longer
      Kwaayee gud’ii ’la smalsdlagan. She tied the short ropes together to make a longer one.

      small and cute child


        - small child
        ’Laa ’i snahjuugang. She (child) is small.

        - scabby child
        ’La ’i snáhlguugang. He is scabby.

        (v) crumble up in mouth (ie spruce pitch)
        • sanahl
        Gyaagan k’aajee snálgan. My pitch crumbled up (spruce pitch, chewed like chewing gum).

        be scabby (body part, not a person)
        • sanalaa
        ’La sgwaay snalga. His back is scabby now.

        - (v) get out of something
        - remove (from something) (in direction)
        - lift off surface
        - find
        - carve out inside of something
        - get a hole burned in
        - whole, entire, completely
        - leave shore
        Gint’ajee xalst’aayaan. The blanket got a hole burned in it.
        Kan tiigee ’laa ngayst’aayaan. Her apron got a hole burned in it.
        KiihlgeeGiisda ’la k’ist’aang. He is carving out the inside of the dish.
        ’Laa ga dan dlast’ahlaayaan. Something pulled him up (off the ground).
        S’yaht’aneeGiisda Joe dlast’agan. Joe got out of the mud.
        Kaatl’a.aa hawiidhl tsiinee kist’ii. Come-out, Hurry up and pull out the salmon (impaled on a stick).
        Kwa.aay tl’a da k’iist’a sansdli.idaanii. They started to try to push the rock out of its resting place.
        ’Áadeesda tsii.n ’la stl’ast’agan. He took some salmon out of the net.
        Tluwee ’la gist’agalgan. He took the canoe out of the water.
        Kalga ’la xa sk’ast’agan. He found a bottle by feeling around.
        Nee ’la k’udlan tiist’agan. He painted the whole house.
        ’Laagwii ka.ahl k’ast’agan. He won it all.

        - (n) human foot
        - fish tail
        - rear paws of bear; paws of other mammals
        - foot of cockle
        St’aang tluugwee ’la k’ii.aadliigaan. He put his foot aboard the canoe.
        St’a ’la k’u sk’aydiijang. He is eating salmon tail dried and cut into small pieces.
        St’aay ’waasda ’la k’i k’iitl’agan. He cut off the tail.
        Duujee st’aay jahlun.algang. The cat has three paws.
        St’a kwaan.uu janggang. It is many feet long.
        K’awwee st’a k’iiswaansanggang. The board is one foot (wide, long or thick).

        - according to the feeling in someone’s feet; feel to someone like
        Dii st’aa.aa k’yuwee tl’úust’anaang. I feel with my feet that the road is slippery.

        - have feet, etc; continually walk in direction
        ’Aanáaga ’la st’aagaasgyaan.gang. He is continually going next door.

        - on foot
        St’a.ahlaang ’la kaa.áydaan. He left on foot.

        own feet

        st’aang t’a gisaawee

        - track
        Taa.n ’la st’áasaaldaayaan. He tracked a bear.

        (n) foot print; tracks; adze mark

        - be footprints of (in direction)
        ’Laasda nan st’áasalaas ’la keengaan. He saw someone’s footprint’s leading from him.
        ’Anaaga st’áasalaats’aang. There are footprints leading into the house (on both ground and floor).

        st’aa sk’agáa
        (n) shoe; boot
        • st’aasgáa

        st’aa sk’agáa du.úl stl’a k’íit’ajaa
        button shoe

        st’aa sk’agáa jang
        - boot
        Gyaagan st’aa sk’agáa jandaasgu dang keengaa? Did you see my boots?

        st’aa sk’agáa k’aajaa
        rubbert boot; gumboot

        st’aa sk’agaa si.inee

        st’aa sk’agáa tiilaa
        hipboots; hip waders

        (n) endurance of feet, human only; agility of feet, human only

        - be full (of something); have filled (with something)
        - fill (something); have filled (something)
        Hawaan sk’ats’aangwee st’a.áwgaagang. The barrel is still full.
        Gandlee juuhlalaang skaat’ajaanGaa taayaa st’a.áwgaagaan. Coho salmon filled a small eddy at the river bank.
        ’AajguusdageeGaa tl’a xáadaa st’a.áwgaagaan. This half (of a clamshell) was full of human beings.

        st’aay Gadaga
        halibut tail
        • st’aay Gadga
        ’La st’aay Gadga ’laangaa xa.aysalans. It’s (halibut’s) tail was waving back and forth.

        - string of fish or shellfish; clothesline full of clothes
        Kaayuwee ’la stadgandaalgang. He is carrying the stringer of fish.
        Ginn gya.andaa hlangee ’laa stadyuwaang. Her clothes are hanging on the line.

        (n) metal ankle ring

        tell (someone) not to do something; try to stop someone/something
        • st’agiid
        Ta st’agad. Tell people to stop.
        ’La st’agiid ’lee.egaagang. He is a peacemaker, He is a conciliator.
        ’La ta st’agadgwaanggang. He is going around telling people to stop.
        Hawaan ’la st’agiidang. He is still saying to stop, He is still saying not to do it.

        - (v) go easy operating on something; be careful with someone/something
        Gam st’aa sk’ageeGaa ’angaa ’la t’a st’agad.anggang. He isn’t being careful with his shoes.

        - (v) fill up (with something); be full (of something)
        - fill something; fill up something
        - fill (with something); fill (up something) with
        Nee st’ahts’aang. The house is full now.
        ’Iitl’áagadee ’waadluwaanGahl nee st’ahsgyaanaanii. The house filled up with all the chiefs from adjoining houses.
        Ga.agee neeGaa st’ahgang. The children have filled up the house now.
        Gwa.alee ’la xi st’ahgan. He filled the bag.

        fill (with something); fill (up something) with

        have been filled (with something); have been filled (in something)

        st’a sgast’ee

        st’a k’iigad
        - pace off; measure off with feet
        Gansalee ’la st’a k’iigiid tlaa’alii jagwa.agan. He measured the lot as seventy feet (lit. measured the lot seventy times).

        st’a k’iigad
        - (n) foot (measure)
        Huugu st’a k’iigad sGwaansang? It is one foot (in length, width, etc)

        st’a k’ajaa
        black brant (branta nigricans); western grebe (aechmophorus occidentalis)

        (n) slug species; land snail species

        - fat adult human; load of snow
        ’La Gaayaa stanjuugang. He is real fat.
        Kiidee tlaas ga k’a stanyuwaang. The branches of the tree are loaded with snow.

        (n) wet soft mass

        - be four; 4; four times; four of, all four of
        Sdang.a.a, hlGun.ahla.a, stánsang.a.a tl’a ’isdagaangaan. They kept getting two, three, four each.
        K’iistánsang.a.a tl’a sGun.a.aga ’la ’isdadaalaan. He gave four chunks to each person.

        st’a skas
        - trip (on something); stumble (over something); stub toe (on something)
        KwaayeeGaa ’la st’a skayjan. He tripped over the rope.

        sta skundawa
        - (v) help
        Hall dii sta skundawi-i-i-i. Come, help me.

        (v) green sea urchin

        - (n) saw-whet owl
        - bad witch (one that hurts other people)

        be a bad sorcerer (one that hurts people)

        (n) large orange marine worm (found on beach)
        • st’úudalaangaa
        • st’úudalaang

        - (v) be out visiting; visit here and there
        - repeatedly go in direction to visit
        • stúujuu
        Stúujuuwee ’la gu ’laagang. She likes to visit here and there.
        ’La stáwjuuhiidang. He is starting to visit here and there.
        ’Laak’uhl ’la stáwjaaw’aa.aagan. She went to visit her.
        ’Anaaga ’la stúujuuts’agan. She repeatedly came in to visit.

        have the habit of visiting around
        • stuujuwa

        • stuujuwaa
        Dangk’uhlgu ’la stawjuwaa? Is she visiting you?

        - have gotten out of something
        - have been removed (from something); have been lifted off the surface
        • st’a.aa
        • sta.aa
        ’Waadluu tsaaneesda dii dlast’ayaagan. Then I was out of the mud.
        K’aalangee k’ist’ayaagang. The design is applique (lit. cut out with a knife).

        - (v) hurt; be sick; be sore
        - feel bad (over someone/something); make feel bad
        - be angry at something; be resentful over something/someone
        - make self feel bad (with something/someone); make angry (at something)
        - apologize to someone (for something)
        Giijii.uu st’igang? Which part hurts? Where does it hurt?
        Gasantl’aa.uu dang gudangee st’igang? Why are you feeling bad?
        Dang gudangeegu st’i? Do you feel bad? ’la gudangee st’igan. He was mad at me.
        Dii ’la kil st’igan. He made me mad by what he said.

        - (v) tell to stop; discourage (from something/someone); warn away (from something/someone); prevent (from something/someone)
        Hl dahgeesda dii st’idayaagang. I’ve been told not to buy it.

        - be sickly (person)
        - someone make people angry
        ’La tlaayGahl st’igagáagang. He is dishonest in copying other people’s work.

        st’i gud’áang
        have a venereal disease

        (n) sickness; disease

        (n) elderberry bush or wood

        (n) labret (made of elderberry wood)

        st’íi daGangáa
        venereal disease

        stíidgaa k’ám.aalaa
        grey woman, also called bogey woman yaanii k’agwáa, or híinii k’agwáa

        menstruate; have period

        - (v) someone be in labor (any animal)
        Jiingaa.uu ’ ga st’íiganggan. Her labor lasted a long time.

        - talk jealously (about something/someone); show in speech that are jealous (of someone/something)
        GuusGahl.uu ’la st’iigaangaa? BuudgeeGahl’aa. What was he jealous of? Of the boat.

        st’íi gudgáng
        - feel jealous (of someone/something)
        ’La st’íi gudgánggang. He feels jealous.

        st’ii gudganga
        be habitually jealous (over anything)

        - thick slice ’waasda ’la k’i stiihltl’agan. He cut off a thick piece of the meat.
        Kya.a stiihlkuunaa diig ’la giidagan. He gave me a thick slice of meat.

        - fragment or scrap of wood or pitch or dried fish fillet
        Ts’aljee xu stl’i.isalanggang. The fillet is moving back and forth in the wind.
        Ts’aanuweeGii ’la sgi stl’ahlagan. He broke the firewood up into splinters (with one blow of the axe).

        - (n) handful; front paw of bear; finger span; with extended finger
        Stlaang kwaanGaa sablii ’wii ’la ’isdagan. She put many handfuls of flour in there.
        Stla Gasdang. Two finger spans.
        KunangGii ’la stlat’agunggang. He is picking his nose.
        GyuwangGaa ’la stlak’adaanggan. She put her fingers in her ears.
        Stlagudanhlaa. Test it with your finger.

        - according to the feeling of someone’s hand; feel to someone like
        Dii stláa.aa ’la k’iinaang. It feels to me like he has a fever.

        - (v) be selective, discriminating in choosing from the opposite sex
        ’La stl’a.aanggang. She is fussy about her male friends.

        - to/into someone’s hand
        ’La stlaaga ’la ’isdagan. He put it into her hand.

        have hands

        - into someone’s hands
        Stlaa.iihlgaang ’la Gidaddaayaan. She got hold of it.

        small flying insect (mosquito, no-see-um, deerfly, etc)

        - big cylindrical object with small diameter relative to length
        - tall and skinny person
        Kiidee xu stláam.isalanggang. The tall straight tree is moving back and forth in the wind.
        ’La ts’uu.ii jan stláamjuugang. He (lit. his spine) is tall and skinny.

        - long fradment or scrap of wood or pitch or dried fish fillet
        Ts’alj diiga ’la stl’aamsdlagan. He gave me a long dried fillet.
        K’aww ’waasda stl’aamwiigan. A long narrow board fell from there.

        left; left-hand (human only, not a house, chair, etc.)

        - be left-handed
        Tl’a stl’áanaa gyaa ts’i.iit’uwee.uu ’iijang. Those are left-handed scissors (lit. left-handed people’s scissors).

        - wash hands
        Hawaan ’la stlaandlan.gang. He is still washing his hands.

        - wash basin for washing hands
        - soap
        ’Laa xidgu stlaandlaan.u tl’a Gasdlaayaan. They set a wash basin before him.

        stláang gisáa.u
        hand towel, bath towel
        • stláang gisáawee

        stlaang k’aahlgu

        - on the left; from the left
        - on the left (side) of something; from the left side of something
        Dii k’uluu stl’áan.guusda st’igang. My left leg hurts.
        Gu ga gya.aans stl’áan.guusda ’laanaa Bill hin kya.aang. The one on the left of those standing there is named Bill.
        ’La stlaay stl’áan.guusda ’laanaa st’igang. Her left hand is hurting.

        the area on the left
        • stl’aan.guusdasii

        - to the left; to the left (side) of something
        Stl’áan.gwii sGullguusda Gadaang ’la da k’iijúuhldagan. He rotated it once counterclockwise.

        (n) toilet stick or chip; toilet paper
        • stl’áanjaawee

        - (v) wipe (ass or anus of)
        Nan ts’uujuushl stl’áanjuu. Wipe the baby’s bum.

        (n) handprint; fingerprint

        have handprint(s), fingerprint(s) on

        - from someone’s hand
        ’La stlaasda sGawaayaanii. It fell from his hand.

        - (n) cone of evergreen, alder (evergreen, including spruce cones were once used for wiping oneself after defecation and perhaps clamshells were too)

        - (n) clawed forepaw of bear, cat (note long protruding claws), or of traditional frog design (with long claws); human hand plus wrist
        Dii stláa.ul st’igang. My wrists are hurting.

        stlaay daajaa
        a bogeyman (misbehaving children were told the bogeyman would take them away).

        stlaay k’am.aalaa
        a bogeyman (this creature had one firey hand and was reputed to carry children away to the mountains).

        stlaay xal.awee
        bogeyman with coals for hands

        - cylindrical, slim and straight, nice-looking object, with very small diameter relative to length (about that of a new pencil)
        Huu kiid gii stlabganggang. A nice long tree is floating there.
        ’La ’i stlabjuugang. He is slim (person).

        - with fingernails
        - picking, cleaning berries
        • stl’a
        Gii ’la stl’ad.iidan. He undid it with his fingernails.
        Xil ’waasda ’la stl’adagan. She pinched the leaves off.
        Stl’a kingaang.u ’la stl’a kingaanggang. He is playing the guitar.
        K’áawts’alaangaa ’la stl’a tiya.adaan. She picked lots of cloudberries.
        K’ayga dii stl’ansdaang. I’m tired of picking crabapples.
        Sk’idaneega ’la stl’a gwaawaang. She doesn’t want to clean the salal berries.

        - (n) bracelet
        Xáal stlagáa. Copper bracelet

        - (v) apologize; try to be nice
        ’Agang ’la kil stl’agáang.ats’agan. He came in to apologize.

        stla Gagad
        (v) measure in finger spans

        stla Gagadaa
        have measured in finger spans

        stla Gagiid
        - (n) fingerspan
        Stla Gagiid sdanggang. It is two finger spans (wide, long, etc.)


        (v) make the sign of the cross (x marks the spot), cross oneself (with the fingers)

        butterfly, moth (the companion of Eagle)

        stla k’íist’aa
        bulb of rice-root (fritillaria camschatcensis)

        stla k’ud
        - have hands stiff with cold
        ’La stla k’wiidang. His hands are stiff and numb with cold.

        (n) needle (sewing, hypodermic, etc., but not knitting needle)
        • stlíinee

        stlán.ahl gud’a
        - be unable to make things or fix things; be poor or bad at doing things with hands
        Nang k’waayaas stlán.ahl gud’aang. The eldest is no good with his hands.

        - (n) for an object defining an enclosure with an opening, the furthest surface from the opening;
        - bottom; back; head
        Dajang stl’áng. Crown of hat, inside or outside.
        Tangee stl’áng. Sea floor.
        Guda stl’áng. Bottom surface of box, inside or outside.

        have a bottom; have bottom in direction

        - at the bottom, etc of something
        ’Waa stl’áng.aa.uu ’iijang. It is at the bottom of that (trunk, barrel, boat, etc.)

        - (v) try to make someone look nice; try to do something so that the result looks nice
        Tsiineega ’la ka stláng.aanggang. She is slicing the fish so it will look nice.
        Gam stlasguda.angeega ’la stláng.aanggang. He is trying to not make a mistake on it, so that it looks good.

        something have been done so as to look nice

        - at the back of something; at the head of something
        Tsa.ánsii stl’anggu Gat’wagagan. It hit the bottom (underwater).
        Nee stl’anggu ’iijang. It’s at the back of the house.

        from the back of something, bottom of something

        - at the bottom, etc. of something
        Gudee stl’ang.ii ’la ’isdagan. She put it at the bottom of the box.

        the meadow at the back of Masset village

        from the meadow at the back of the village

        at the meadow surrounded by trees at the back of Masset village

        to the meadow at the back of the village
        • stl’angnggwii
        Stl’angnggwaayaa ’la kaagang. He is walking to the meadow from over there.

        stlan k’yuu.aa
        three-cornered needle of the type used to sew leather

        be good, skillful at making things, fixing things; be good with hands.

        stla sk’áamaa
        - (v) measure in (Haida) fingerspans; measure off in units of the distance between outstretched thumb and forefinger
        - play cat’s cradle
        ’La stla sk’áamaa tlaa’algan. He measured it off as ten fingerspans (lit. measured a fingerspan ten times).
        San sGask’u.uu ’la stla sk’áamaagan. He played cats cradle all day.
        Stla sk’áamaagu sdang? It is two fingerspans?
        Stla sk’áamaa sdanggang. It is two fingerspans.

        stla tl’agaa
        (n) woolen cuff

        (n) small flying insect (mosquito, no-see-ums, deerfly, etc. non-biting and biting insects, ie small flys)

        stl’e.élt’agwaang siidalaa
        (n) no-see-ums

        stl’e.élt’agwaang hlgadalaa
        • stl’e.élt’agwaang hlgáamdalaa

        stl’e.élt’agwaang stl’a k’un Gada hlgadalaa
        species of mosquito, the ends of whose legs are white

        ring worn on finger
        • stlíihluwee
        Dáalaa stlíihluwee. Silver ring
        Guu.l stlíihluwee. Gold ring.

        (n) thorn; spine; quill

        have thorns, spines, quills; stick up, stick out all over

        - important and proud person
        Hahlgwii ’la ki stl’úudaalgang. He is walking this way important and proud, using a cane.

        - long cylindrical and straight object
        Kiidee xu stluu.isalang Gujuugang. All the tall straight trees are moving back and forth in the wind.
        Kiidee ’la Gal stluu.iidan. He took off towing the long log.

        - (v) talk to someone like a big shot; (big shot) talk to someone
        Dii ’la guusuu gyuugulagan. The big shot was talking to me.

        (n) anus; remains of a potatoe after the eyes are cut out

        remove core and stem of (berry have a core at end of stem, ie strawberry, salmonberry)

        (n) woodpecker (including red-breasted sapsucker, hairy woodpecker)
        • stluuts’áadangee

        - stem plus core of certain berries
        Hillda.angee stl’u.uj ’waasd ’la daanggan. She removed and discarded the cores of the strawberries.

        - in closed hand
        ’La stluwán xa.aydan. He snitched it, concealing it in his fist.
        Ginn ’la stluwán xa.atl’a.agan. She brought something in her closed fist.

        - (v) kindle (tinder); kindle a fire, light a fire
        ’La hlk’i stl’uwii’waayaan. They kindled a fire with a firedrill.
        K’a stl’uwii’u. Flint (for starting a fire).

        (n) any small sea urchin, green sea urchin
        • stuwee

        stuu stlii.n
        sea urchin spine

        stúu xasáa
        purple sea urchin
        • stáw xasáa

        be sea urchins in location
        • stawaa


        (n) sugar
        • súgagee

        have sugar in, be sweetened

        - (v) make into chowder with potatoes and onions
        Tsii.n ’la s’uhliidaang. She is making salmon chowder.

        have been made into chowder

        - small child (tot, toddler)
        Diiga ’angaa ’la súlsdlagan. She handed me her child.

        (n) body of water; puddle; lake; pond; pool

        - (v) speak through someone
        - say that (something)
        - say that wish (contrary to fact) that (something)
        - crooked
        - report about something/someone; confess
        - tell to go ahead with something; encourage someone to go ahead; tell someone to go ahead
        - sing for self before die
        - speak highly of someone; praise someone; boast about someone
        - sing (something, ie song)
        - read
        • súwee
        • saa
        ’Waasda ’la k’id súutl’agan. He cut it off crooked.
        K’ust’aan.uu ’ saawaan. A crab spoke through her.
        ’Laayaa kunjuu.ang ’la súusdluu ’laa ’la ts’agaan. When she said that it was pointed at it, he shot it.
        Gam ’la st’i.angang ’la súugan. He said he wishes he weren’t sick.
        Yah k’iiGansd.uu ’la saawaan. He told the truth. ’la súugan. He told me to go ahead.
        Dagaang ’la saawaan. He sang for himself before he died.
        GidaangGahl saa ’la súugan. He spoke highly of his son.
        Gudgwaa nang ’isGaa ’la saawaan. He sang the last one.
        Gyaans ’la súu k’aw.a’waang. As usual he’s sitting reading.
        Tlaanhl súu. Stop saying that.

        - among something; together with someone/something; in the midst of something
        Tl’aasúu ’la hlGanggulaang. He is working among them (all are working).
        Súuhlgaang ’laa tl’a kil k’aawgan. They made her sit among them.

        (n) soup
        • súubgee

        make into soup

        be some kind of soup

        (n) scar

        - (v) mention; say; tell; sing; ask for, etc
        - tell something to someone
        - wish something be doing
        - read
        Guus.uu dang súudaang? What are you talking about?
        Dii ’la súudagan. He meant me; He mentioned me.
        Kaa.áydee ’ ga súudaayaan. Something (a spirit) told her to leave.
        ’La ’lagalee ’laagwii Hl súudagan. I expressed to him the wish that he would get well.
        Guus.uu dang súudaang. What are you reading?

        have one scar

        - be scarred up
        ’La stlaay suudaa.aa jajuugang. His hand is all scarred up.

        suuda gud’anga
        habitually try to seduce women.

        habitually talk about all kinds of things; be a comedian

        súu gudaang
        - say bad things about other people (to someone)
        - try to persuade to have sex with, try to seduce
        • súuda gudaang

        - (v) seep (in something)
        Tl’a hlGe.elganGaa suuhlâwaang. Water is seeping in the (place where) they dug a hole.

        (n) red crossbill (loxia curvirostra)

        - from among something/someone
        - alone among something; only
        ’Aasgee súusda.isan nang ’iitl’áagadaa guusaawaan. A chief spoke from amongst these too.

        suu yahk’iyaa
        - tell the truth (to someone)
        Diigahl suu yahk’iyaa. Tell me the truth.

        - to amongst
        K’iis xáadeesuwii ’la tluu daawaan. He went across to the Alaskan Haida.
        Hlanngassuwii ’la Gidadaan. He made it to amongst the Tlingit.

        - (v) be swampy
        Tlagee s’wáahlandangaagang. The place is swampy.

        - (v) be soft
        Tlagee s’waatl’aagang. The wet ground is soft.

        - large berry (any kind); large eyes
        Sk’aw.aan ’la s’yáam.aats’agan. She swallowed a large salmonberry.
        ’La xang’ii ’waa.aa s’yáamgalaanggang. She has big eyes.

        dirty good-for-nothing person

        be muddy

        - (v) have a crooked mouth (due to paralysis); be paralyzed on one side of face
        ’La s’yúwaang. He has a crooked mouth (from a stroke).

        - crooked entity, person with a crooked mouth; a thing that is not level or square
        Nee xu s’yúuts’aayaan. The house was blown out of square
        K’yuwee s’yúuhlalaang. The road is winding.
        ’La ’i s’yúujuugang. He has a crooked mouth.